Repo for holding binary packages for running the velk-demo offline.
Packages for installing java and Elasticsearch/Kibana and Logstash stack in separate directories. can be used to create gzipped tar file of all packages in the install directories
- Start up a vagrant machine
- Use 'vagrant ssh' to loging
- Go to the /vagrant/packages directory and create a new sub-directory reflecting a new tarball you want to add
- Go to the subdirectory created in step 3.
- Run 'apt-get -s pacakgename' to determine dependent packages
- Run 'apt-get download packagename dependencyname1 dependencynameN' to downloard locally
- Go to the velk-demo-packages
- Add a directory called install-packagename and copy the files from the velk-demo/packages/install-packagename directory to it
- Amend the script to create a tarball
- Run ./
If hosting yourself you can now incorporate more offline package install to velk-demo , or you may have forked and want to pull request.