- Software Developer/Team Lead
- Fiddler - Texas Country Music
- Sound Tinkerer ( Arduino, Modular Synths, ATTINY85 )
- Golang/JS/TS/Java and whatever Arduino is...C++ ???
- If AI gives a solution in Python...well...sure. Python
Would like to get more Haskell/Rust under my belt. Honestly, for what I do, the language is not as important as the libraries/support.
Collection of sketches for ATTiny to replace logic blocks in lunetta like circuits or whatever. They can be stand alone diversions or the core for a modular synth component. Keep in mind, its an 8 bit microcontroller though.
I really like to make things blink and go beep. A LOT of sketches that do that. Mostly for ATTINY85 but a few other chips are supported. Its arduino code, so most sketches can be refactored pretty easily.

A Golang/React based flashcard app.
- Import format compatible with Chats so you can just ask it to create cards in markdown and import.
- Progress stats
- Cards are markdown, code formating supported
Dockerized - so why not just give it a spin!
Create cool Latex ATTINY85 Pinouts from json files. The intent was to automate the images that I use in the above repo. I got the tool working. But remaking all the images still is a chore that will take some time to get around too doing.
These are more just exercises and trivial pursuits.
An attempt to see just how little code I actually needed to write using ChatGPT. Turns out...practically none!
I had it build a D3 widget interatively without manually changing any code. Just a conversation ( and a little copy/paste into JS fiddle )