This Python script allows to pre-install any Python pip (PyPI) (Python Package Index)- Packages within a final Yocto Project Linux Image.
In order to make this possible a Bitbake-file with all necessary information's (Version Number, Checksums,..) will be generated to allow Bitbake to include the chosen pip-package to the rootfs of the generated Yocto-Project Linux Distribution.
I developed this Python script to create rsYocto an embedded Linux for Intel SoC-FPGAs.
- Python script to automatically create Bitbake recipe files for the Yocto Project to pre-install any Python pip package
- Almost every Python pip package can implemented into a custom Linux Distribution
- Of cause, it is only necessary that the package is as a cross Platform version available
- Outputs a ".bb"-Bitbake recipe file that can easily included to any Yocto Project meta-layer
- Supported Python Package Index Version: 1-3
- Supported Python pip package archive file types: ".tar.gz" and ".zip"
- It is enabled to use URL/Link to a specific Python package version or to a custom Server
- Pull this repository to your Yocto Project building machine
- Be sure that Python pip 3 is installed on your development machine
- To install that use on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get -y install python-pip
- To install that use on CentOS:
sudo yum install python-pip
- To install that use on Ubuntu:
- Start the python script
- Find a Python PyPI-package to include to the Yocto Project
- Follow the instruction of the Python script
- The script will ask for:
The pip-package name (e.g. by
pip install pyserial
use "pyserial
")- Be sure that the uppercase/lowercase of the string is exact (Case sensitive!)
- Alternatively here it is enabled to insert a URL/Link to the package
- Use the entire Link with the "http"- or "https"- pre-fix and with the file suffix
- You can find the URLs to the package inside the "Download files" selection of the PyPI package website
- For instance "pyserial" it would be: ""
- Note: ".whl" archive packages are not supported!
For the required Python-Version
For the Type of Licence (e.g. MIT) for recipe
- The script will ask for:
- The Python script will generate a ".bb"-Bitbake-file
- Copy this file to your recipe folder
- If you don't have a meta-layer create a new one
- Execute following command inside your Yocto Project build Folder (
)bitbake-layers create-layer meta-example
- Include the new layer to your Yocto Project by adding following line to the
-file:/home/<user name>/poky/meta-example \
- Execute following command inside your Yocto Project build Folder (
- Copy the generated recipe file to your recipes:
meta-example |- conf | - README |- recipes-test |- test |
- Include the Python pip package to your Yocto Build by adding following line to the
-fileIMAGE_INSTALL_append = "pip-PIPNAME"
- To execute the implementation start the building process of the Yocto Project normally
- For example with (inside
):bitbake core-image-minimal
- For example with (inside
Example output after an execution
vm@ubuntu:$ python3
# #
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# #
# #
# by Robin Sebastian ( #
# Contact: [email protected] #
# Vers.: 1.2 #
# #
Type in the Name of the Python pip (PyPI) Package to include to your Yocto Project Linux Distro
Note: Consider the exact writing! Case sensitive!
You can find Python pip packages here:
PiP-Package Name: pyserial
Choose the requiered Python Version:
Python 1-2: 1,2
Python 3 : 3
Python Version:3
Type in the used License name for the recipe (e.g.: MIT)
License name:
Chosen License name: "MIT"
Starting the generation...
--> Download for testing the Python PiP package
Collecting pyserial
Downloading (159kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 163kB 1.1MB/s
Saved ./makePipRec_workingFolder/pyserial-3.5.tar.gz
Successfully downloaded pyserial
The Name of the downloaded file: "pyserial-3.5.tar.gz"
--> Calculate md5 checksum of this file
md5sum = 1cf25a76da59b530dbfc2cf99392dc83
--> Calculate sha256sum checksum of this file
sha256sum = 3c77e014170dfffbd816e6ffc205e9842efb10be9f58ec16d3e8675b4925cddb
--> Decode the current Version Code of this PiP Package
Version: 3.5
--> Unpackage the downloaded file to decode the included licence file
Unpackage the downloaded package
[sudo] password for vm:
Unpackaging was successful
Try to find a Licence file
The License File was found
--> Calculate the md5-checksum for the License file
md5sum = 520e45e59fc2cf94aa53850f46b86436
--> Create the Bitbake .bb-File with the name
--> Generate the content of this file
Bitbake file generation was successfull
--> Deleting the working Folder
# #
# #
#---------------------------- Implementation Guide ----------------------------#
# 1. Step: Copy the recipe file: ""
# to your recipe folder inside a meta layer
# For example here:
# meta-example
# |- conf
# |- recipes-test
# |- test
# |- <--
# (this file is located here:/home/vm/Desktop/PiP2Bitbake )
# 2. Step: Include the PiP-Package to your Yocto Project by
# by adding following line to the conf/local.conf file:
# conf/local.conf:
# IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "pip-pyserial"
# 3. Step: Build your Yocto Project normally with bitbake
# #
# #
# ( #
# [email protected] #
# #
# makePipRecipes and rsYocto are projects, that I have fully #
# developed on my own. No companies are involved in this projects. #
# I am recently graduated as Master of Since of electronic engineering #
# Please support me for further development #
# #
# The is a automatic generated Code by ""
# (by Robin Sebastian ( Vers.: 1.0)
SUMMARY = "Recipe to embedded the Python PiP Package pyserial"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.txt;md5=d476d94926db6e0008a5b3860d1f5c0d"
inherit pypi setuptools
PYPI_PACKAGE = "pyserial"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "ed6183b15519a0ae96675e9c3330c69b"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "6e2d401fdee0eab996cf734e67773a0143b932772ca8b42451440cfed942c627"
root@cyclone5:~# pip list
Package Version
---------- -------
pyserial 3.4.0
- rsyocto; Robin Sebastian,M.Sc. (LinkedIn)
Pip2BitBake and rsyocto are self-developed projects in which no other companies are involved. It is specifically designed to serve students and the Linux/FPGA open-source community with its publication on GitHub and its open-source MIT license. In the future, rsyocto will retain its open-source status and it will be further developed.
Due to the enthusiasm of commercial users, special features for industrial, scientific and automotive applications were developed and ready for the implementation in a highly optimazed closed commercial version. Partnerships as an embedded SoC-FPGA design service to fulfil these specific commercial requirements are offered. It should help, besides students with the rsyocto open-source version, commercial users, as well.
For commercial users, please visit the rsyocto embedded service provider website: