This repository has been created to contain all the custom plugin created by researchers.
Supported OS: Linux Ubuntu 18.10 and Windows 10. Boost library version must be >1.64.
sudo apt-get install -y cmake libboost-all-dev
YARP see
vcpkg install boost:x86-windows
YARP see
In bash:
export blocktest_DIR=<path to your blocktest build dir>
In order to compile just execute the following commands in a bash terminal.
git clone
cd blocktest-custom-plugins
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ..
Make sure your CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in ccmake is <path to your blocktest build dir> Then:
make -j 4
make install
This test executes and checks the RedBallDemo application. In order to make this demo test work some prerequisited are needed.
$ git clone
$ mkdir icub-basic-demos/build && cd icub-basic-demos/build
$ ccmake .. && make install
Then some blocktest prerequisite in test.xml (or ScriptBuilder) must be activated:
<prerequisite enabled="true" command="yarpserver" waitafter="5000" param="--silent" prefix="" kill="true" />
<prerequisite enabled="true" command="iCub_SIM" waitafter="2000" param="" prefix="" kill="true" />
<prerequisite enabled="true" command="yarprobotinterface" waitafter="2000" param="--context simCartesianControl --config no_legs.xml" prefix="" kill="true" />
<prerequisite enabled="true" command="iKinGazeCtrl" waitafter="2000" param="--from configSim.ini" prefix="" kill="true" />
<prerequisite enabled="true" command="iKinCartesianSolver" waitafter="2000" param="--context simCartesianControl --part right_arm" prefix="" kill="true" />
<prerequisite enabled="true" command="iKinCartesianSolver" waitafter="2000" param="--context simCartesianControl --part left_arm" prefix="" kill="true" />
<prerequisite enabled="true" command="iCubGui" waitafter="2000" param="--xpos 800 --ypos 80 --width 370" prefix="" kill="true" />
<prerequisite enabled="true" command="demoRedBall" waitafter="2000" param="--from config-test.ini" prefix="" kill="true" />
Some blocktest library must be activated in test.xml (or ScriptBuilder):
<library enabled="true" path="blocktestyarpplugins/libblocktestyarpplugins" name="yarpactiondepot" note="Yarp actions library" />
<library enabled="true" path="genericactiondepot/genericactiondepot" name="genericactiondepot" note="System generic actions library" />
<library enabled="true" path="blocktestcustomplugins/libblocktestcustomplugins" name="customactiondepot" note="Custom actions library" />
<librarysettings enabled="true" name="genericactiondepot" />
<librarysettings enabled="true" name="yarpactiondepot" wrappername="/right_leg /left_leg /torso /head /right_arm /left_arm" robotname="icubSim" netclock="false" />
<librarysettings enabled="true" name="customactiondepot" />
As usual the test can be executed by (or by ScriptBuilder):