Guide to flash ESP8266 in DM-3212.
Descriptions like DOES not works for me.
This is what works for me:
1: Put the DM-3212 as ESP programmer - This will connect Arduino serial to ESP serial.
Run Arduino IDE - step1.ino -upload sketch
Set -FILE- Preferences -
Choose Board is Arduino Leonardo -

Unplug DM-3212 from usb
Shortcut the two pin. Plug it to USB while it is shortcutted. This will put ESP into Flash mode.
Start ESP8266Flasher64.exe and Flash esp8266_wifi_duck_4mb.bin - this is the ESP image ESP networking, etc, like a "ESP firmware" Bin is here:
Exe is from here: ESP blue led will blinking during Flashing. -
Compile esp8266_wifi_duck.ino (because esptool upload not works for me.) Set the board in Arduino IDE :
Compilation will create esp8266_wifi_duck.ino.generic.bin
Flash esp8266_wifi_duck.ino.generic.bin with ESP8266Flasher64.exe - This will create Ducky webserver - where you can config your ducky script.
Flash arduino_wifi_duck.ino with Arduino IDE - Choose Board: Arduino Leonardo - as you did in step 1 (to set back serial) This will set serial connection between Arduino and ESP.
7 Attache to WIFI- SSID: WiFi Duck Password: quackquack
My first ducky script: DELAY 30000 CTRL ALT DELETE DELAY 2000 ENTER DELAY 5000 STRING pin
END of set up DM-3212
Ready, wifi_ducky is working =)
I hope this solution works for you, any problem ask me