My personal website created in 2018. Built with Nuxt.js.
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the Nuxt.js docs.
To develop the website locally, you'll want to run the development server:
# install the dependencies
# start local development (http://localhost:3000)
yarn run dev
Note: This requires Node.js and npm to be set up locally, see for more information.
Build and starting are seperate commands:
# build for production
yarn run build
# run production server
yarn start
To develop the website locally, you'll want to run the development server:
# generate static project
yarn run generate
To deploy the app to Heroku:
# deploy to Heroku
git add .
git commit -m "message"
git push heroku master
Note: This requires Heroku CLI to be set up locally.
Or deploy manually from Heroku. The Heroku app is connected to the GitHub repository.