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Make writing Pandoc Lua filters a pleasure by using these language server definitions.


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Make writing Pandoc Lua filters a pleasure by using these language server definitions for use with lua-language-server. The definitions include Pandoc's element types as well as function definitions for the pandoc module, enabling static type checking, autocompletion, and automatic display of documentation.


The pandoc-types.lua definition file can be added to your pandoc filter git repository by adding this project as a git submodule:

git submodule add types

To enable LuaLS to find the definition file in ./types/, a .luarc.json file needs to be created in the root of the project with the following contents:

  "workspace": {
    "library": ["types"]

Type annotations and static type checking

LuaLS' type checking is not currently as capable as it could be, however it still seems to catch at least 90% of my errors that could be caught by static type checking, making it well worth the effort!

A basic understanding of LuaLS' type annotation syntax is presumed in this section.

All of Pandoc's Block and Inline elements are available for type annotations. Furthermore, the Pandoc and Meta types are available as well, and so are the various Element component types. This enables static type checking when writing filter functions. For example:

---Filter function for Spans
---@param span Span
---@return Span | nil
function Span(span)
   -- This triggers a type error from LuaLS since the `content` field
   -- is a sequence of Inlines and does not match a string!
   span.content = 'asdf'

Apart from individual Block and Inline element types, the types Block and Inline have also been defined, which act as an alias for any Block or Inline element, respectively.

For sequences of Blocks and Inlines, the Blocks and Inlines types are available. They differ from Block[] and Inline[] by having the walk and clone methods available on them, as well as all the List-methods (such as metamethods __concat and __eq, and methods extend, filter, includes, ...). When a filter function is receiving Inlines, they are of type Inlines, but if you are returning a table of Inline elements as in the following example, they are of type Inline[]:

---Filter function for Inlines
---@param inlines Inlines
---@param return Inline[]
function Inlines(inlines)
   return {pandoc.Str('Hello!')}

If you are unsure if your return value is of type Inline[] or Inlines, you can annotate it as Inlines | Inline[], which covers both types.

There is currently a bug in LuaLS preventing it from doing proper type-checking on the contents of a variable of type Inlines or Blocks. As a workaround, such variables can be assigned the type (Inlines | Inline[]) (and equivalently for Blocks), as in the following example. When assigning a Block or Inline type to a more specific type (such as a Span, as in the following example), the @cast annotation can be used to cast the variable to the required type:

---Inlines filter function
---@param inlines (Inlines | Inline[])
function Inlines(inlines)
   if inlines[1].tag == 'Span' then
      local span = inlines[1]
      ---@cast span Span

Type definitions are also available for filters and filter functions. The Filter type can be used to annotate a Lua filter's return value:

---@type Filter
return {
   traverse = 'topdown',
   Str = filter_fn1,
   Para = filter_fn2,

The Filter type is either a FilterTable, or an array of FilterTables, or an array of an array of FilterTables, and so on. A FilterTable is a table of filter functions (the return value above is an example). Therefore, in the above example, the ---@type FilterTable annotation could have been used as well (though if a nested table was returned, the Filter type would have to be used).


Make writing Pandoc Lua filters a pleasure by using these language server definitions.







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