hetzner-bootstrap allows you to bootstrap a provisioned EQ Server from hetzner.de
When you purchase a lot of servers at hetzner you're usually ending in reinstalling each system manually prior to the first usage because you may have different opinions about partitioning or RAID levels. This rubygem helps to fully automate the provisioning of a rootserver.
Warning: All existing data on the system will be lost!
- get a webservice login from your customer panel (https://robot.your-server.de/)
- the ip address of the shipped, running system(s)
- Enable Rescue Mode (using Hetzner's webservice)
- Resetting the System to boot into rescue mode (using Hetzner's webservice)
- Log into the rescue system, write your installimage template, execute installation
- Reboot
- verify installation (very basic check but can be overwritten)
- copy your local ssh public-key into root's .authorized_keys
- adds the generated server key into your .know_hosts file
- execute post_install hooks (optional)
see example.rb file for usage!
Warning: All existing data on the system will be lost!
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'hetzner-bootstrap'
bs = Hetzner::Bootstrap.new(api: Hetzner::API.new(ENV['ROBOT_USER'], ENV['ROBOT_PASSWORD']))
template = <<EOT
# see https://github.com/hetzneronline/installimage/
DRIVE1 /dev/sda
DRIVE2 /dev/sdb
## activate software RAID? < 0 | 1 >
## Choose the level for the software RAID < 0 | 1 >
## which bootloader should be used? < lilo | grub >
HOSTNAME <%= hostname %>
## PART <mountpoint/lvm> <filesystem/VG> <size in MB>
## * <mountpoint/lvm> mountpoint for this filesystem *OR* keyword 'lvm'
## to use this PART as volume group (VG) for LVM
## * <filesystem/VG> can be ext2, ext3, reiserfs, xfs, swap *OR* name
## of the LVM volume group (VG), if this PART is a VG
## * <size> you can use the keyword 'all' to assign all the
## remaining space of the drive to the *last* partition.
## you can use M/G/T for unit specification in MIB/GIB/TIB
## notes:
## - extended partitions are created automatically
## - '/boot' cannot be on a xfs filesystem!
## - '/boot' cannot be on LVM!
## - when using software RAID 0, you need a '/boot' partition
PART /boot ext3 1G
PART lvm host 75G
PART lvm guest all
#LV <VG> <name> <mount> <filesystem> <size>
LV host root / ext4 50G
LV host swap swap swap 5G
## ========================
## ========================
## full path to the operating system image
## supported image sources: local dir, ftp, http, nfs
## supported image types: tar, tar.gz, tar.bz, tar.bz2, tgz, tbz
## examples:
# local: /path/to/image/filename.tar.gz
# ftp: ftp://<user>:<password>@hostname/path/to/image/filename.tar.bz2
# http: http://<user>:<password>@hostname/path/to/image/filename.tbz
# https: https://<user>:<password>@hostname/path/to/image/filename.tbz
# nfs: hostname:/path/to/image/filename.tgz
# Default images provided by hetzner as of October 2014:
# Archlinux-2014-64-minmal.tar.gz
# CentOS-65-32-minimal.tar.gz
# CentOS-65-64-cpanel.tar.gz
# CentOS-65-64-minimal.tar.gz
# CentOS-70-64-minimal.tar.gz
# Debian-76-wheezy-32-minimal.tar.gz
# Debian-76-wheezy-64-LAMP.tar.gz
# Debian-76-wheezy-64-minimal.tar.gz
# openSUSE-131-64-minimal.tar.gz
# Ubuntu-1204-precise-64-minimal.tar.gz
# Ubuntu-1404-trusty-64-minimal.tar.gz
IMAGE /root/images/Ubuntu-1404-trusty-64-minimal.tar.gz
# the post_install hook is a great place to setup further software/system provisioning
post_install = <<EOT
# knife bootstrap <%= ip %> -N <%= hostname %> "role[base],role[kvm_host]"
bs << {
ip: '',
template: template, # string will be parsed by erubis
hostname: 'server100.example.com', # will be used for setting the systems' hostname
public_keys: "~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub", # will be copied over to the freshly bootstrapped system
post_install: post_install # will be called locally at the end and can be used e.g. to run a chef bootstrap
bs << {
ip: '',
template: template, # string will be parsed by erubis
hostname: 'server101.example.com', # will be used for setting the systems' hostname
public_keys: "~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub", # will be copied over to the freshly bootstrapped system
post_install: post_install # will be called locally at the end and can be used e.g. to run a chef bootstrap
gem install hetzner-bootstrap
- All existing data on the system will be wiped on bootstrap!
- This is not an official Hetzner Online GmbH project.
- The gem and the author are not related to Hetzner Online GmbH !
Use at your very own risk. Satisfaction is NOT guaranteed.
Copyright © 2019 Roland Moriz, Moriz GmbH