My dotfiles built from the ground up. Several of the things that I use:
- NVIM as my VIM editor.
- Zsh as my shell.
- Brew as my package manager.
- asdf as my tool manager (rubies, nodes, etc).
Ideally you would git clone this repo but you may have to download the repo on a brand new mac.
Run and see bin/setup
for getting everything up and running with a new Mac. It will
- link dotfiles to the home directory.
- install xcode-select.
- install homebrew.
- install homebrew packages.
- install nvim and instructions for installing vim plugins.
Use asdf to manage your rubies by adding the ruby plugin
asdf plugin add ruby
To get Ruby LSP working you'll have to gem install the following gems for each Ruby you install with asdf.
- gem install bundler
- gem install solargraph
- gem install solargraph-rails
Use asdf to manage your different nodes
asdf plugin add nodejs
Make sure you also install yarn
npm install --globarl yarn
Handling updates via lazy.nvim in the lazyvim interface
I usually use this when setting up a new mac.
- Installation of XCode. Note that it has to be opened at least once to complete it's installation.
- Go through each setting for new configurations