This is an NWB extension for storing timestamped event data.
The latest version is 0.4.0. This is a major change from previous versions.
- A
type that extendsVectorData
and stores a 1D array of timestamps (float32) in seconds- Values are in seconds from session start time (like all other timestamps in NWB)
- It has a scalar string attribute named "unit". The value of the attribute is fixed to "seconds".
- It has an optional scalar float attribute named "resolution" that represents the smallest possible difference between two timestamps. This is usually 1 divided by the sampling rate for timestamps of the data acquisition system. (Alternatively, the event sampling rate could be stored.)
- This type can be used to represent a column of timestamps in any
, such as the NWBUnits
table and the newEventsTable
described below.
- A
type that extendsVectorData
and stores a 1D array of durations (float32) in seconds. It is otherwise identical to theTimestampVectorData
type.- If this is used in a table where some events have a duration and some do not (or it is not known yet), then a value of NaN can be used for events without a duration or with a duration that is not yet specified. If the latter, the mapping should be documented in the description of the
- If this is used in a table where some events have a duration and some do not (or it is not known yet), then a value of NaN can be used for events without a duration or with a duration that is not yet specified. If the latter, the mapping should be documented in the description of the
- A
type that extendsVectorData
and stores the mappings of data values (of any type) to meanings. This is an experimental type to evaluate one possible way of storing the meanings (longer descriptions) associated with different categorical values stored in a table column. This can be used to add categorical metadata values to anEventsTable
. This type will be marked as experimental while the NWB team evaluates possible alternate solutions to annotating the values of a dataset, such as LinkML-based term sets, non-table based approaches, and external mapping files.- The type contains an object reference to a
named "meanings". See below. Unfortunately, becauseCategoricalVectorData
is a dataset, it cannot contain aMeaningsTable
within it, so theMeaningsTable
is placed in the parentEventsTable
and referenced by theCategoricalVectorData
. - It may also contain an optional 1D attribute named "filter_values" to define missing and invalid values within a data field to be filtered out during analysis, e.g., the dataset may contain one or more of: "undefined" or "None" to signal that those values in the
dataset are missing or invalid. Due to constraints of NWB/HDMF attributes, attributes must have a dtype, so currently, only string values (not -1 or NaN) are allowed. - This type is similar to an
, which is aVectorData
of an enumerated type, except that the values stored in the column are strings that are short-hand representations of the concept, as opposed to integers. Storing strings is slightly less efficient than storing integers, but for these use cases, these tables will rarely be large and storing strings directly is more intuitive and accessible to users.
- The type contains an object reference to a
- A
type that extendsDynamicTable
with two required columns:- A "value" column that contains all the possible values that could be stored in the parent
object. For example, if theCategoricalVectorData
stores the port in which the subject performed a nose poke, the possible values might be "left", "center", and "right". All possible values must be listed, even if not all values are observed, e.g., if the subject does not poke in the "center" port, "center" should still be listed to signal that it was a possible option. - A "meaning" column with string dtype that contains a longer description of the concept. For example, for the value "left", the meaning might be "The subject performed a nosepoke in the left-most port, from the viewpoint of the subject. This is signaled by detection of the port’s infrared beam being broken."
- Users can add custom, user-defined columns to provide additional information about the possible values, such as HED (Hierarchical Event Descriptor) tags. For HED tags, users may consider using the
type, a subtype ofVectorData
, in the ndx-hed extension. - As described in
, this arrangement will be marked as experimental.
- A "value" column that contains all the possible values that could be stored in the parent
- An
type for storing a collection of event times that have the same parameterizations/properties/metadata (i.e., they are the same type of event, such as licks, image presentations, or reward deliveries)- It inherits from
and stores metadata related to each event time / instance, one per row. - It has a "timestamp" column of type
is required. - It has a "duration" column of type
is optional. - Because this inherits from
, users can add additional custom columns to store other metadata, such as parameterizations of an event, e.g., reward value in uL, image category, or tone frequency. - The "description" of this table should include information about how the event times were computed, especially if the times are the result of processing or filtering raw data. For example, if the experimenter is encoding different types of events using a "strobed" or "N-bit" encoding, then the "description" value should describe which channels were used and how the event time is computed, e.g., as the rise time of the first bit.
- It contains a collection of
objects referenced by anyCategoricalVectorData
columns. These columns are placed in a subgroup of the EventsTable named "meanings". Alternatively, theseMeaningsTable
objects could be placed under the rootNWBFile
, but it is probably more useful to keep them close to the objects that they describe. As described inCategoricalVectorData
, this arrangement will be marked as experimental.
- It inherits from
The PyNWB and MatNWB APIs would provide functions to create these tables. For example, in PyNWB:
stimulus_presentation_events = EventsTable(name="stimulus_presentation_events")
stimulus_presentation_events.add_column("stimulus_type", col_cls=CategoricalVectorData)
stimulus_presentation_events.add_row(timestamp=1.0, stimulus_type="circle")
stimulus_presentation_events.add_row(timestamp=4.5, stimulus_type="square")
The APIs would also provide the following interfaces:
returns a dictionary ofEventsTable
objects, similar tonwbfile.acquisition
- Use
to access anEventsTable
by name nwbfile.merge_events_tables(tables: list[EventsTable])
, which merges a selection ofEventsTable
objects into a read-only table, sorted by timestampnwbfile.get_all_events()
, which merges all theEventsTable
objects into one read-only table, sorted by timestamp
This extension was developed by Ryan Ly, Oliver Rübel, the NWB Technical Advisory Board, and the NWBEP001 Review Working Group.
Information about the rationale, background, and alternative approaches to this extension can be found here:
The latest ndx-events 0.4.0 has not yet been released on PyPI. To install it on Python, use:
pip install git+
ndx-events 0.3.0 was not released on PyPI.
To install the 0.2.0 version, use: Python:
pip install -U ndx-events
generateExtension('<directory path>/ndx-events/spec/ndx-events.namespace.yaml');
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direction LR
class TimestampVectorData {
data : NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]
--> unit : str = "seconds"
resolution : float, optional
class DurationVectorData {
data : NDArray[Shape["*"], Float]
--> unit : str = "seconds"
resolution : float, optional
class CategoricalVectorData {
data : NDArray[Shape["*"], Any]
meanings : MeaningsTable
filter_values : NDArray[Shape["*"], String], optional
class MeaningsTable {
value : VectorData[NDArray[Shape["*"], Any]]
meaning : VectorData[NDArray[Shape["*"], String]]
class EventsTable {
timestamp : TimestampVectorData
duration : DurationVectorData, optional
meanings_tables : list[MeaningsTable]
[additional_columns] : list[VectorData], optional
class NdxEventsNWBFile {
events : list[EventsTable]
CategoricalVectorData ..> MeaningsTable : object reference
EventsTable "1" *--> "0..*" MeaningsTable : contains
EventsTable "1" *--> "1..*" TimestampVectorData : contains
EventsTable "1" *--> "0..*" DurationVectorData : contains
EventsTable "1" *--> "0..*" CategoricalVectorData : contains
NdxEventsNWBFile "1" *--> "0..*" EventsTable : contains
In a Python 3.8-3.12 environment:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .
Run tests:
Install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
Style and other checks:
black .
ruff .
codespell .
This extension was created using ndx-template.