#SCHOOL SCRAPING USAGE #####updated September 5, 2015 #####Leila Hofer and Robert Krabek
###About The two functional files in this repository are:
1. "get_school_urls.rb" which grabs the links to the individual school pages from the schoolguide website
2. "final_scrape.rb" which accesses the individual school pages and grabs contact information from each page
###Code to run: 1. run the following code in the terminal below to start the scrape: $ ruby get_school_urls.rb
... once complete run ...
$ ruby final_scrape.rb
2. Right click on school_scraping.csv and click download each time the script is run this file will be written over.
3. note: together, this scrape can take up to 24 hours to run in total
###Potential errors that will cause the scrape to be halted and have to be restarted:: *If the internet cuts out *If computer falls asleep (sometimes)