Compiles Go files in the background and usefully underlines and reports errors to the QuickFix window:
Just clone this repo into your bundles directory:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-compiler-go
Either ensure the $GOROOT environment variable is set, or otherwise set the g:golang_goroot variable in .vimrc to where your go installation can be found. This must be an absolute path:
let g:golang_goroot = "/home/richard/go"
Drop golang.vim in ~/.vim/compiler directory.
Add the following line to the autocmd section of .vimrc
autocmd FileType go compiler golang
Set the g:golang_goroot variable to where your go installation can be found. This must be an absolute path
let g:golang_goroot = "/home/richard/go"
The plugin assumes a standard project layout with the files stored in a src directory. The GOPATH is set to one directory below the src folder.
Golang is called after a buffer with Go code is saved. The QuickFix window is opened to show errors, warnings and hints provided by Golang.
To disable calling Golang every time a buffer is saved, put into .vimrc file:
let g:golang_onwrite = 0
The QuickFix window can be disabled with:
let g:golang_cwindow = 0
Setting highlights for the lines can be disabled with:
let g:golang_inline_highlight = 0
Of course, standard :make command can be used as is the case with every other compiler.