I built ShopKart, a Flipkart clone, to showcase my frontend development skills. Using React and other modern web technologies, I developed a comprehensive e-commerce application that includes core features such as a product landing page, product category page, product detail page, cart, and payment gateway integration through Stripe.
The primary purpose of creating ShopKart was to demonstrate my ability to design and develop a full-fledged e-commerce application. The goals were to:
Showcase proficiency in React and related technologies. Implement essential e-commerce functionalities. Create a user-friendly and responsive web application. Prepare for front-end developer job interviews by building a practical project.
React: Used for building the user interface and managing the component state. React Router: Implemented for seamless navigation between different pages. Context API: Employed for efficient state management across the application. CSS Modules: Used for styling components in a modular and maintainable way. APIs: Integrated to fetch and display real-time product data and information. React Icons: Used to include icons throughout the application for better visual representation. Stripe: Integrated for handling secure payment transactions. Problems and Thought Process: