Download CoSMoMVPA version 1.1.0
The demo dataset can be downloaded here (BC sign-in required, for now)
- To run the demo, you need only the masks and the
- 6 runs of functional data from a single awesome subject
- Task design: Category (face, scene) x Fame (famous, non-famous) x Repetition (first, second)
- Famous/non-famous scenes and faces randomly intermixed
- First repetitions are in runs 1-3
- Second repetitions are in runs 4-6
- No overt task during encoding
- Item memory and familiarity with famous faces/scenes were assessed afterward
- Fixed ISI - 8 seconds
The functional data have already been preprocessed, including realignment and normalization to MNI space. All original and preprocessed data can be found in data
Two models have been run:
- A standard model implementing the 2x2x2 design described above:
- A single-trial model with a regressor for each individual trial onset:
- The single-trial betas have also been copied to
& renamed according to their trial information. I won't use these files in the demo but they might be useful for playing around with other types of analyses.
- The single-trial betas have also been copied to
You could use either model for MVPA-- the standard model will give you more stable beta parameters, but the single-trial model will give you more samples (observations) to use. The single-trial model also allows for item-specific analyses, so I'll be using it for the demo.
Note that because the ISI is fixed and medium-long (8s), we could also use unmodeled timepoints from 4-6s post-onset (but we won't for the demo).
All techniques are demonstrated in the script cosmo_demo_fmri
Classification of faces vs scenes - ROI
- Linear discriminant analysis classifier
- Cross-validation
- Within a occipital+temporal cortex ROI
- Cosmo functions:
fill in
Classification of faces vs scenes - searchlight
- Same analysis, computed in 100-voxel neighborhoods across the entire brain
- Cosmo functions:
fill in
Classification of faces vs scenes - ROI - separately for famous & nonfamous
- Same as the first analysis, but run first within famous faces/scenes and then within non-famous faces/scenes
- Cosmo functions:
fill in
Comparison of within- versus between-category dissimilarities - ROI
- Similar in concept to the classification analyses described above
- Matches actual DSM to target DSM (dissimilarity matrix)
- Cosmo functions:
fill in
Comparison of within- versus between-category dissimilarities - searchlight
- Same analysis, computed in 100-voxel neighborhoods across the entire brain
- Cosmo functions:
fill in
Comparison with same-scene versus different-scene similarities - ROI
- Compares pattern similarity for two repetitions of the same scene compared to different scenes
- Cosmo functions:
fill in