Track the web sites positions in time.
Requirements to installation:
- Redis v2.4.10 - for Kue
- MongoDB v2.04 - hold the processed data
- Node v0.6.15
To keep the processes alive, install the forever, this installation needs root permission.
sudo npm install -g forever
Clone/extract the code place where you need. Change the project directory to serp-tool. Now you can start installing the libaries needed, dependencies are handled by the package.json file.
This command does not need the root privilege, only make sure your in serp-tool directory where package.json is located.
npm install
The installation should end without any errors, or some of the libraries might be not installed.
Order of running job-* processes is important! Before running make sure the MongoDB instance is running.
forever start job-process.js
forever start job-creator.js
forever start web/app.js