URBANLADDER # Github Repo Link.
This is a Selenium based Automation Project on a website named https://UrbanLadder.com
- Java(Maven Project)
- Eclipse (4.30.0)
- ApachePOI (5.2.5)
- TestNG and (7.9.0)
- Cucumber (7.15.0)
- Jenkins (2.426.3)
- ExtentReport (1.14.0)
- extentreports-cucumber7-adapter (1.14.0)
- Page Object Model Concept
- JSON (1.1.1)
- Selenium Grid(selenium-server-4.18.1)
- src/test/java
Package 1: pageObjects
Class 1: BasePage.java
Class 2: BookshelvesHomePage.java
Class 3: GiftsCardHomePage.java
Class 4: LivingSubMenuPage.java
Class 5: SubmittedFormDetailsPage.java
Class 6: UrbanLadderHomePage.java
Package 2: StepDefinitions
Class 1: StepDefinitionFile.java
Class 2: Hooks.java
Package 3: testBase
Class 1: BaseClass.java
Package 4: testScenarios
Class 1: TC_0001_SearchBookshelve.java
Class 2: TC_0002_BookshelvesDetails.java
Class 3: TC_0003_LivingMenuItems.java
Class 4: TC_0004_GiftCards.java
Class 5: TC_0005_ConfirmingFormDetails java
Class 6: TestRunnereFile.java (run this file to run using Cucumber)
Package 5: utilities
Class 1: ExcelWrite.java
Class 2: ExtentReportManager.java
Class 3: JsonRead.java
- src/test/resources
Config.properties (to run using grid uncomment- execution_env=remote and to run locally use- execution_env=local)
extent.properties (create cucumber Extent report)
- excel
UrbanLadderData.xlsx (contains the retrived data from WebPage)
- ExtentReports
- SparkReport_Current_Date_and_Time
- ExcelReports
- Report
CucumberExtentReport.html (cucumber extent Report)
- FeatureFiles
- logs
- reports
myreportCucumber.html(Cucumber Normal Report)
Test-Report-Current_Date_Time(TestNG Extent Report)
- Screenshot
- Test-output
index.html (TestNG normal report)
- crossBrowserTest.xml (run this file to run on different browsers using TestNG)
- groupingTest.xml (run this file to run groups using TestNG- need to uncomment @BeforeGroup and @AfterGroup in BaseClass and comment @BeforeTest and @AfterTest)
- Master.xml (run this file to run all testCases using testNG)
- ParallelBrowserTest.xml (run this file to run on different browsers using TestNG)
- Pom.xml (right click run as maven test to run using maven)
- runBat.bat (double click to run project using bat file)
There are total 5 Test Cases classes
Test Case 1 : Search the Bookshelve on UrbanLadder Website(consist 2 test methods)
Test Case 2 : Fetch and store and print all Bookshelves in required conditions(consist 12 test methods )
Test Case 3 : Fetch and store and print all submenu options under Living options(consist 5 test methods)
Test Case 4 : Get Gift Card option and Fill Form for Gifts with valid and invalid details (consist 22 test methods)
Test Case 5 : verify the submitted data on confirmation page(consist 9 test methods)
We can run it Parallelly, serially and through XML files.and use TestRunner to run using cucumber. run using POM.xml and Bat file using maven. In order to run the project please make sure you have TestNg and Cucumber plugin installed in your Eclipse and Maven installed locally to run outside eclipse. and if want to run using grid use selenium-server-4.18.1 jar file.
Use Master.xml:to run Project using chrome with TestNG
Use crossbrowsertest.xml:to run Project using chrome and edge with TestNG serially.
Use parallelbrowsertest.xml:to run Project using chrome and edge parallelly with TestNG.
Use CucumberTestRun.java:to run Project with Cucumber
Use pom.xml:right click and run as Maven Test.
To run using grid use selenium-server-4.18.1 jar,cmd "java -jar selenium-4.18.1.jar standalone" open on browser "http://localhost:4444/" and uncomment- execution_env=remote and to run locally use- execution_env=local in config file and run using TestNG or Cucumber it will run on Grid
- Cucumber Extent Report (//ExtentReports//SparkReport//Report//CucumberExtentReport.html)
- Cucumber Report (//reports//myreportCucumber.html)
- TestNG Extent Report(//reports//Test-report.html)
- TestNg Report (//test-output//index.html)
- Screenshots(//screenshots//TestCases_Name.png)
- ExcelData(//excel)
- Rishabh Yadav(2304092)