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Folders and files

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Feb 1, 2018
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Aug 10, 2018
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Jun 9, 2018
Jun 25, 2014
Feb 26, 2018
Mar 26, 2018
Mar 6, 2018
Dec 4, 2015
Dec 4, 2015
Jun 28, 2018
Jul 20, 2018
Aug 3, 2018
Dec 8, 2017
Dec 8, 2017

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The code/scripts contained in this directory are all that is required in order to run PAOL and upload the processed lectures to the web server.

Note When Doing Hardware Configuration

It appears that we can only capture from one video device per rate synced bus. The command lsusb will return the bus structure of the machine. From experience it is possible to put as many video devices on a non-rate synced bus as there
are ports but not on rate synced buses. Hanging ethernet hubs off of the non-rate synced bus does not give any additional working ports on that bus.

Directory Structure of Input

(* lines need to be updated as we figure out what we want)

|-raw (unprocessed lectures
| |-Semester (ex: Fall13)
| | |-Course (ex: comp171)
| | | |-Class (ex: 06-12-2013--12-15-15)
| | | | |          MM-DD-YYYY--HH-MM-SS
| | | | |-video.mpeg
| | | | |-info
| | | | |-dataCam.log (log files are the output parts of capture script)
| | | | |-main.log
| | | | |-vidCam.log
| | | | |-computer
| | | | | |-vgaTwoUsbIn000000-1371053717-0.png
| | | | | |-...        (image#-time-vga2usb#)
| | | | |-wBoard
| | | | | |-cameraIn000000-1371053717-0.png
| | | | | |-...        (image#-time-camera#)
|-processed (same as raw)
| |-Semester (ex: Fall13)
| | |-Course (ex: comp171)
| | | |-Class (ex: 06-12-2013--12-15-15)
| | | | |          MM-DD-YYYY--HH-MM-SS
*| | | | |-video.mpeg
| | | | |-info 
| | | | |-logs
| | | | | |-dataCam.log 
| | | | | |-main.log
| | | | | |-vidCam.log
| | | | | |-procComp.log
| | | | | |-procCam.log
| | | | |-computer
| | | | | |-computer1371053717-0.png
| | | | | |-...     (time-vga2usb#)
| | | | |-wBoard
| | | | | |-camera1371053717-0.png
| | | | | |-...  (time-camera#)
|-uploaded (same as readyToUpload)

The capture scripts generate all folders and files shown from class on down

To Run


This file must be created to run paol. It specifies where the video, whiteboard, and computer cameras are. Below is a sample cameraSetup.txt file:

0 1 Video
2 0 Whiteboard
0 Audio

For the Video, VGA2USB, and Whiteboard lines, the first number corresponds to the input number. For the above example, PAOL would use /dev/video0 as the video camera, /dev/video1 as the VGA capture camera, and /dev/video2 as the whiteboard capture camera. The second number is a 0 or 1, depending on whether the image should be flipped. In the above example, the video camera input should be flipped.

For the Audio line, the number corresponds to which webcam's microphone to use as the audio for the video capture. In the above example, the video would use hw:0 as input.


This file must be created to upload lectures. It specifies the local (capture) and remote (server) machines. Below is an example:

user: webmanic
rmt_upload: /data1/www/media/uploaded

The example uploadConfig file tells the upload script to rsync to as user webmanic, and to put the lecture files in /data1/www/media/uploaded on


This file is used by CalendarParser to assign semesters to lectures. This file is technically optional, but without it, no meaningful semester information is associated with the lectures. Below is an example semesterDates.txt file:

Su13: 6/1/13 8/31/13
F13: 9/3/13 12/6/13
W13: 12/16/13 1/18/14
S14: 1/21/14 4/30/14

The semester name comes before the colon. After the colon and a space should be first day of the semester, inclusive. After the first date, there should be a space and then the last day of the semester, inclusive. Dates with numbers that start with 0 are not guaranteed to be read properly by CalendarParser.

How to capture and process lectures

% ~/paol-code/scripts/capture/ Summer13 comp171 3600
% ~/paol-code/scripts/process/
(Run as part of the process script)

Compile the project via command line


sudo apt install build-essential

run on paol-code directory. Make sure the path is correct

Newer implementation python-paol