A neovim plugin for compiling MQL5/MQL4 scripts asyncronously.
Without heavy MetaEditor GUI. (Compiling on command-line).
This is a test version.
Be careful to use at your own risk.
Not tested in Windows or Linux
Currently ensured to work only in 'macOS + wine(wineskin)' environment.
If anyone encounters any problems while using/testing, please create an issue on GitHub.
With nvim-notify
Sorry, these pics are from older ver.
Main features
- Async compiling MQL5/MQL4
- Show quickfix
- Auto detect MQL5/MQL4
- Works on
MacOS + wine(wineskin)
for now
Not implemented
- Works on
(Need tested) - Works on
(Need tested)
- nvim v0.10.2 (My environment. It seems to work in a little older versions.)
- MT5 or MT4 installed through wine/wineskin (for now)
- plenary.nvim Plugin for async
Optional plugins
- nvim-notify Nice style notify messages
- nvim-bqf Super easy to use quickfix
Use v3.14.0 or earlier versions of nvim-notify. v3.14.1 not works somewhy with it's error.
Using Lazy.nvim:
-- Minimum config:
return {
dependencies = {
{ 'rcarriga/nvim-notify', commit = 'fbef5d32be8466dd76544a257d3f3dce20082a07' } -- v3.14.0 (later version cause `{ title = '' }` error for now)
lazy = true,
ft = { 'cpp', 'c' }, -- If your filetype settings read mql5 as cpp / mql4 as c.
opts = {
ft = {
mql5 = {
metaeditor_path = '~/Applications/Wineskin/MT5.app/drive_c/Program Files/MetaTrader 5/MetaEditor64.exe', -- your MT5 exe's path
mql4 = {
metaeditor_path = '~/Applications/Wineskin/MT4.app/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/XMTrading MT4/metaeditor.exe', -- your MT4 exe's path
keys = {},
cmds = {
{ 'MQLCompile', 'MQLCompileSetSource', 'MQLCompileShowOptions' },
opts = {
debug = { -- For debug
compile = {
show_cmd = false,
show_cwd = false,
priority = { 'mql5', 'mql4' }, -- priority for auto file detection
log = {
extension = 'log',
delete_after_load = true,
quickfix = {
types = { 'error', 'warning' }, -- Types to pick up. 'error' | 'warning' | 'information'
show = {
copen = true, -- Open quickfix automatically
with = { 'error', 'warning' }, -- Types to copen. 'error' | 'warning' | 'information'
parse = nil, -- See '# Parsing quickfix' section
information = {
actions = { 'including' }, -- Actions to pick up. 'compiling' | 'including'
show = {
notify = true, -- Show 'information' independently in notify
with = { 'including' }, -- Actions to show. 'compiling' | 'including'
parse = nil, -- See '# Parsing and formatting information' section
format = nil, -- See '# Parsing and formatting information' section
wine = {
enabled = true, -- On MacOS/Linux, set true for MT5/MT5 on wine(wineskin). On windows, set false.
command = 'wine', -- Wine command path
ft = {
mql5 = {
metaeditor_path = '', -- '~/Applications/Wineskin/MT5.app/drive_c/Program Files/MetaTrader 5/MetaEditor64.exe', -- your MT5 exe's path
include_path = '', -- Not supported now
pattern = '*.mq5',
mql4 = {
metaeditor_path = '', -- '~/Applications/Wineskin/MT4.app/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MetaTrader 4/metaeditor.exe', -- your MT4 exe's path
include_path = '', -- Not supported now
pattern = '*.mq4',
notify = { -- Enable/disable notify
compile = {
on_started = true,
on_finished = true,
log = {
on_saved = false,
on_deleted = false,
quickfix = {
on_finished = true, -- Add quickfix counts to main message on 'notify.compile.on_finished'
information = {},
levels = { -- Color to notify if compiling was ...
succeeded = { -- with type ...
none = vim.log.levels.INFO,
info = vim.log.levels.INFO,
warn = vim.log.levels.WARN, -- *.INFO is also good, if you don't like warn color on success.
failed = vim.log.levels.ERROR,
information = vim.log.levels.INFO, -- for notifing informations
highlights = { -- Highlights & syntax on quickfix window
enabled = true,
hlgroups = nil, -- See '# Highlights' section
Below are the default path for MetaEditor exe in opts.ft.[mql5|mql4]
(It depends on your settings on installing.)
-- MacOS (via wine)
metaeditor_path = '~/Applications/Wineskin/MT5.app/drive_c/Program Files/MetaTrader 5/MetaEditor64.exe'
-- Windows (NOT TESTED. just a note)
metaeditor_path = 'C:\\Program Files\\MetaTrader 5\\MetaEditor64.exe'
'MT5.app' is the name of app you set on wineskin.
-- MacOS (via wine)
metaeditor_path = '~/Applications/Wineskin/MT5.app/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/MetaTrader 4/metaeditor.exe'
-- Windows (NOT TESTED. just a note)
metaeditor_path = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MetaTrader 4\\metaeditor.exe'
'MT4.app' is the name of app you set on wineskin.
You can modify parsing & formatting functions, if you need.
Leave 'parse' or 'format' as nil to use these default functions.
This is the parsing function, from log to quickfix Default:
opts = {
quickfix = {
parse = function(line, type)
local e = {}
if type == 'error' or type == 'warning' then
e.filename, e.lnum, e.col, e.type, e.nr, e.text = line:match('^(.*)%((%d+),(%d+)%) : (.*) (%d+): (.*)$')
elseif type == 'information' then
e.filename, e.type, e.text = line:match('^(.*) : (.*): (.*)$')
e.lnum = 1
e.col = 1
e.nr = 0
e.type = e.type:sub(1, 1):upper() -- Convert type to E/W/I/H/N
return e
This is the parsing and formatting function, from log to information
opts = {
information = {
parse = function(line)
local i = {}
i.file, i.type, i.action, i.details = line:match('^(.-) : (%w+): (%w+) (.+)')
return i
format = function(i)
local formated = string.format('%s %s', i.action, i.details)
return formated
This plugin compiles mql5/4 asyncronously.
" Set mql5 path
:MQLCompileSetSource my_ea.mq5
" Compile it
" Set current file path
" Compile it
" Compile with path
:MQLCompile my_ea.mq5
" Compile with file name modifier
:MQLCompile %
This plugin auto-detects mql5/mql4 by patterns given in opts.ft.[mql5|mql4].pattern
See Auto detection rules.
" Set source in NO mql5/4 buffers (like *.md)
" Automatically detect file, and set it as source
" Compiling also works same way.
" Automatically detect file, and compile it
So, :MQLCompileSetSource
& Auto-detection allow you to compile the file anywhere in the project.
Show all current options as table. Just for checking.
Below lua functions are also available. (with auto-detection by the extension)
-- Set mql5 path
-- Compile it
-- Set current file path
-- Compile it
-- Compile with path
-- Compile with file name modifier
keys = {
{ '<F4>', '<cmd>MQLCompileSetSource<cr>' },
{ '<F7>', '<cmd>MQLCompile<cr>' },
keys = {
{ '<F4>', function() require('mql_compile').set_source() end },
{ '<F7>', function() require('mql_compile').compile() end },
Highlighting(and syntaxing) has not finished yet.
Quickfix highlighting should not be modified by this plugin ?
Set-up highlight groups in quickfix list.
To use default, leave hlgroups = nil
opts = {
highlights = { -- Highlights on quickfix window
enabled = true,
hlgroups = {
filename = { 'qfFileName', { link = 'Directory' } }, -- { '<Highlight name>' , { <highlight options> } }
separator_left = { 'qfSeparatorLeft', { fg = '#cccccc' } },
separator_right = { 'qfSeparatorRight', { fg = '#cccccc' } },
line_nr = { 'qfLineNr', { fg = '#888888' } },
col = { 'qfCol', { link = 'DiagnosticError' } },
error = { 'qfError', { link = 'DiagnosticError' } },
warning = { 'qfWarning', { link = 'DiagnosticWarn' } },
info = { 'qfInfo', { link = 'DiagnosticInfo' } },
hint = { 'qfHint', { link = 'DiagnosticHint' } },
note = { 'qfNote', { link = 'DiagnosticHint' } },
code = { 'qfCode', { fg = '#888888' } },
text = { 'qfText', { link = 'Normal' } },
If the arg is set like :MQLCompileSetSource %
or :MQLCompileSetSource my_ea.mq5
, the command set it as source path preferentially.
But if no args are set, like :MQLCompileSetSource
, the commannd detect the files automatically.
The detection order is below.
- Current buffer (if mql5/4)
- First detected mql5/4 file in git root dir (recursively)
- First detected mql5/4 file in cwd dir (recursively)
If no files are detected, the command returns error
The compiling command without arg, like :MQLCompile
, also detects the files in almost same way.
- Current buffer (if mql5/4)
- The path set by
command previousely - First detected mql5/4 file in git root dir (recursively)
- First detected mql5/4 file in cwd dir (recursively)
And these lua functions follow same rules.
Use v3.14.0 or earlier versions of nvim-notify. v3.14.1 not works somewhy with it's error.
This plugin optionally uses vim.notify()
to show messages to users.
For those who want to have nicer messages, follow this.
- Install nvim-notify
- Put below code in init.lua, to replace default notify.
-- ex.) for lazy.nvim, `config = {}` in `lua/plugins/notify.lua`
vim.notify = require('notify')
Then mql-compile
shows messages through it.
There are some test codes in: test/*.mq5
- nothing.mq5
- informations.mq5
- warnings.mq5
- errors.mq5
Try to compile them for test.
- Convert information's included file paths, fits to macos or linux
- Add version management
- grep '#property version "x.xx"'
- Auto mv ex5/ex4 to 'archive' dir, after compiling
- Add
has other actions ?- Now only 'compiling' & 'including' are confirmed
- Auto compiling on save ? (Complicated...)
- Should set source_path before.
- Should search & dig including paths
- If current buffer is matched to the included path ?
- Compile source_path
- git
- Detect git root
- List up & select from git root's mql5 files
- If only one mql5 on git root, compile without prompt
- Show fugitive message on progress & success or error
- include path NOT WORKS for the space char in
Program Files
Use vim.o.errorformat
- Easy to use, but not so customizable.
- See naoina/syntastic-MQL
- Counting functions should be suitable for it.