Quick & Usefull cheatsheet viewer plugin for nvim.
Inspired by vim-cheatsheet
Critical changes in ver1.1.0
- Modified options
- Change default dir from '
/.config/nvim/cheat' to '/.config/cheat' - Remove file prefix
See ## Default options, and copy & paste to your settings.
Hsplit & Vsplit are implemented ! (v1.1.0)
use Lazy.nvim
return {
opts = {
debug = false, -- show debug msg (only for me)
readonly = false, -- true | false ... false for editable
window = {
default = 'float', -- float | vsplit | hsplit
float = {
width = 0.8, -- ratio for nvim window
height = 0.9, -- ratio for nvim window
signcolumn = false, -- true | false ... Show signcolumn or not
number = true, -- true | false ... Show number or not
border = 'single', -- 'none' 'single' | 'double' | 'rounded' | 'solid'
vsplit = {
height = 0.3, -- ratio for nvim window
position = 'bottom', -- bottom | top
signcolumn = false, -- true | false ... Show signcolumn or not
number = true, -- true | false ... Show number or not
hsplit = {
width = 0.5, -- ratio for nvim window
position = 'left', -- left | right
signcolumn = false, -- true | false ... Show signcolumn or not
number = true, -- true | false ... Show number or not
file = {
dir = '~/.config/cheat.nvim', -- Cheatsheet directory
prefix = '', -- Cheatsheet file's prefix.
ext = 'md', -- Cheatsheet file's extension.
cheatsheets = {
filetypes = { -- Open the specific cheatsheet by file pattern.
lua = { '*.lua' }, -- will open 'lua.md' cheatsheet, if called on *.lua files
vim = { '*.vim', '*.vifmrc' }, -- The key 'vim' is the surfix of filename. ex.) cheat-vim.md
js = { '*.js', '*.mjs' },
css = { '*.css', '*.scss', '*.sass' }, -- Multiple filetypes are allowed.
md = { '*.md' },
php = { '*.php' },
html = { '*.html' },
-- Add more filetypes settings here.
keymaps = {
close = 'q', -- The keymap to close current cheat sheet. '<ESC>' is also good
Command | Description |
:Cheat |
Show the cheatsheet depending on current buf's filetype, with the style set in config.window.default . |
:Cheat {cheat_name} |
Same with :Cheat , but show the specific cheatsheet. |
:Cheat {cheat_name} float |
Same with :Cheat , but with floating window style. |
:Cheat {cheat_name} hsplit |
Same with :Cheat , but with horizontal split style. |
:Cheat {cheat_name} vsplit |
Same with :Cheat , but with vertical split style. |
keys = {
{ '<leader>ch', ':Cheat<cr>', desc = 'Cheat' }, -- Just open the cheat sheet, for each filetype of the current buffer
{ '<leader>cn', ':Cheat nvim<cr>', desc = 'Cheat for nvim' }, -- Set your special cheat sheet, independent on filetype
{ '<leader>cg', ':Cheat git<cr>', desc = 'Cheat for git' }, -- Same above
{ '<leader>ct', ':Cheat todo<cr>', desc = 'Cheat for todo' }, -- Open your todo file
{ '<leader>cw', ':Cheat tmux hsplit<cr>', desc = 'Cheat for tmux (hsplit)' }, -- Open in specific win_type