Make read-only compressed archive which is capable of random access (per chunk), called "MAR" (Mayakashi ARchive).
also supports mount archive with read-write overlay directory option.
now, time to compress games data file, remove tons of low-entropy data (e.g. storing texture as RGBA8888 without even LZ4) from your SSD.
- 9999GHz Intel i9999 or Apple M99999 Ultra
- since Zstandard decompression is pretty fast, you might be not needed to have that much powerful CPU
- tons of RAM (depends to your games size)
- Stop to hide
in marmounter - Handle Overwrite to archived files (currently it returns EROFS, but it should be copy to overlay and open it)
there is two part:
- Rust part
- builds .mar.* archive.
- you can run with
cargo run --release --
- Go part
- mounts .mar.* archive, powered by
- you can run with
go run ./marmounter
- Only mount files which matches this glob pattern (e.g.
) - You can specify multiple glob patterns by separating with
- NOTE: addprefix and stripprefix will not applied to this glob pattern
- NOTE: case insensitive
- Only mount files which matches this glob pattern (e.g.
- Strip prefix from path if it starts with this prefix
- If file will not start with this prefix, it will be not touched (still remains)
- If you want to remove those files, you should use
- If you want to remove those files, you should use
- NOTE: addprefix will not applied to this
- NOTE: case insensitive
- Add prefix to all files in archive
- e.g.
will addfoo/bar
prefix to all files insome.mar
- If path starts with this prefix, we wouldn't check overlay directory
- Overlay directory path (default:
- Overlay directory path (default:
- Specify character set of zip file name (default: UTF-8)
- Read options from this file (one option per line)
- Preload chunks which matches this glob pattern (e.g.
) - This is useful if you are using remote filesystem with caching mechanism to local storage, like Rclone
- NOTE: Actual decompress will not proceed by preload
- Preload chunks which matches this glob pattern (e.g.
- Enable pprof on this address (e.g.
- Enable pprof on this address (e.g.
- Mount zip file
- NOTE: Reading big file from zip file will be slow, you should consider to use .mar file if zip contains large file
- (It would be still useful for small files, like small mods .zip file)
- Mount MAR file
- You should have
in your directory
because FUSE on Rust program which supports multi-platform would be nightmare:
crate | Linux | macOS | Windows | note |
fuse | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | last commit is 2020 |
async-fuse | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | supported platforms are from GHA configuration |
fuse-backend-rs | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | supported platforms are from GHA configuration |
fuser | ✔️ | ✔️ (they says untested) | ❌ | |
winfsp | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ |
since I'm writing code on macOS and running most games on Windows (Wine on Apple Silicon Mac is yet another nightmare), I need to support both of them.
please, someone, make a multi-platform FUSE client crate for me 🥺