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license MIT on iOS ( is a Phone and Messaging application built for privacy with open architectures. You can originate calls and send messages in an easy and secured way with no data-collecting man or company in the middle. The technology is freely available for public.

Download on the App Store Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

Build Prerequisites

Ringring on iOS is based on Liblinphone, free SIP VoIP SDK and first you need to prepare your system to build it.

Download and install:

  • Xcode 5 (Tested on 5.1.1)
  • Xcode Command Line Tools
  • MacPorts (Make sure that /opt/local/bin (macport tools) arrives first in your PATH env variable, so that the macport tools are taken in place of the versions brought by Apple in /usr/bin. Otherwise the build will fail with obscure errors.)
  • CocoaPods

Once Xcode and MacPorts are installed you need to tweak OSX, open a terminal and install the required build-time tools with:

$ sudo port install coreutils automake autoconf libtool intltool wget pkgconfig cmake gmake yasm nasm grep doxygen ImageMagick optipng antlr3

Install to be copied into /opt/local/bin :

$ wget --no-check-certificate
$ sudo mv /opt/local/bin/.
$ sudo chmod +x /opt/local/bin/

Link macport libtoolize to glibtoolize

$ sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/glibtoolize /opt/local/bin/libtoolize

Link host's strings, ar and ranlib to simulator SDK

$ sudo ln -s  /usr/bin/strings /Applications/
$ sudo ln -s  /usr/bin/ar /Applications/
$ sudo ln -s  /usr/bin/ranlib /Applications/

Building the SDK

$ cd submodules/build
$ make all 

The resulting multi arch SDK is in liblinphone-sdk/ directory.

In case you upgrade your IOS SDK, you may force rebuilding everything, by doing

$ make veryclean
$ make all

Building the iOS application

Install the Pod dependencies:

$ pod install

Make sure to always open the Xcode workspace instead of the project file when building your project:

$ open ringring.xcworkspace

Open Xcode and make sure "Build Active Architecture Only" is set to "No" in the build settings of both the "Pods" and "ringring" project.

Press "Run" in Xcode.