- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Awesome free cloud native security learning labs. Includes CTF, self-hosted workshops, guided vulnerability labs, and research labs.
Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge
Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
👨💻 🇬🇧 Good practices for developing back-end apps 🇷🇺 Хорошие практики разработки типичных back-end приложений
🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
DevOps Roadmap for 2025. with learning resources
Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
🐶 A curated list of Web Security materials and resources.
Разбор задач для алгоритмических интервью в Big Tech
A React Rich Text Editor that's block-based (Notion style) and extensible. Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.
📜 Haskell course info, plan, video lectures, slides
felixge's notes on the various go profiling methods that are available.
A comprehensive list of books on Software Architecture.
🔐 A curated list of awesome WebAuthn and Passkey resources
A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
End-to-end encrypted collaborative notes app
Node.js module to predict indoor location using machine learning and WiFi information 📶
The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶
Lightweight operating system using Node.js as userspace
Clinic.js diagnoses your Node.js performance issues
Bootstrap yourself to write an OS from scratch. A book for self-learner.
Пишем свою собственную операционную систему с нуля (bootloader + tiny kernel)