Minimal overhead NodeJS REST server.
Insprired by the amazing throughput of NodeJS but dissappointed by the overhead of the available libraries I decided to hone my own.
There is a performance review available on codeproject review
The test suite is available on github at rest-stress
Install rapid-rest with npm
npm install rapid-rest
The following call should be placed on your web facing server page.
##Syntax The syntax is wholesale copy of the node-rest project which seems to have lost some of it's steam plus some smatterings of other REST syntaxes that I've used along the way.
Accept a GET request that has a single parameter in the path
('get', function(req, res, params){
alert("You requested:" + params.over_name);
Accept a POST request with multiple parameter in the path
('post', function(req, res, params, data){
alert("You sent:" + JSON.stringify(data) + " to " + params.here_name + " for user: " + params.user);
Accept a DELETE request with parameters defined in the path and with multiple required querystring parameters.
('delete', function(req, res, params){
alert("You're deleting:" + params.where + " where here_name is " + req.query.here_name
+ ", for user: " + req.query.user)
##Future development
- Allow integration with middleware such as connect or express
- More tests