A django application to resize images using the thumbor service.
Both thumbor_url
templatetag and the generate_url
helper uses the same
arguments as libthumbor, you can
check the wiki for more info.
On templates:
{% load thumbor_tags %}
<img src="{% thumbor_url '/media/image.jpg' width=300 %}" width="300" />
{% load thumbor_tags %}
<img src="{% thumbor_url model.image_field width=300 %}" width="300" />
If you need the result in a template variable, use assign_thumbor_url instead.
{% load thumbor_tags %}
{% assign_thumbor_url '/media/image.jpg' width=300 as thumb_url %}
<img src="{{ thumb_url }}" width="300" />
Split filters with
(or use a list
{% load thumbor_tags %}
<img src="{% thumbor_url url filters='watermark(http://domain.com/watermark.png,-10,-10,20):brightness(10)' %}" />
<img src="{% thumbor_url url filters=filter_list %}" />
On code:
from django_thumbor import generate_url
resized = generate_url("/media/image.jpg", width=300)
Re-using argument sets (aliases)
You can re-use argument sets through globally defined aliases. This prevents repeating thumbnail parameters all over the code and can improve thumbor performance because thumbnails are re-used as well. If you're migrating from django-easy-thumbnails, you'll find the pattern very familiar, and it should make porting much more straight-forward.
On templates:
{% load thumbor_tags %}
<img src="{% thumbor_url '/media/image.jpg' alias='thumb-square' %}" />
On code:
from django_thumbor import generate_url
resized = generate_url("/media/image.jpg", alias="thumb-square")
And in your settings.py
'thumb-square': {
'width': 300,
'height': 300,
'filters': ['brightness(10)']}
Override server address
There is an extra parameter to specify a custom server to be used instead of
On templates:
{% load thumbor_tags %}
<img src="{% thumbor_url '/media/image.jpg' thumbor_server='http://localhost:8888/foo' width=300 %}" width="300" />
On code:
from django_thumbor import generate_url
custom_server = "http://localhost:8888/foo"
resized = generate_url(
"/media/image.jpg", thumbor_server=custom_server, width=300)
pip install django-thumbor
Add the app to the INSTALLED_APPS
# ...
Here are the default settings that you can override:
# The host serving the thumbor resized images
THUMBOR_SERVER = 'http://localhost:8888'
# The prefix for the host serving the original images
# This must be a resolvable address to allow thumbor to reach the images
THUMBOR_MEDIA_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/media'
# If you want the static to be handled by django thumbor
# default as False, set True to handle it if you host your statics
# The prefix for the host serving the original static images
# this must be a resolvable address to allow thumbor to reach the images
THUMBOR_STATIC_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/static'
# The same security key used in the thumbor service to
# match the URL construction
# Default arguments passed to the `generate_url` helper or
# the `thumbor_url` templatetag
# An alias represents a named set of arguments to the generate_url function
# or thumbor_url template tag. Use it to share general thumbnail
# configurations without repeating yourself.
Fork, clone, create a virtualenv and run:
git clone git://github.com/ricobl/django-thumbor.git
cd django-thumbor
pipenv shell
make install
Add tests on testproject/tests
, add code and run:
make test
- Instal thumbor server:
pip install thumbor
- Run thumbor:
- Run local server:
make run
- visit
Refer to the .pypirc reference for details on setting up API tokens.
Install build
to build a package and twine
to upload:
make setup_build
Upload to the test server:
make upload_test
If everything goes well, release to the real PyPI server:
make release