This project is Edge ready (Vercel Edge runtime)
This is a starter project/boilerplate to start out with:
- App directory/router
- Prisma
- Supabase (Auth, Storage, Serverless Queries)
- Tailwind
- Edge Ready
- Umami analytics
It allows us to call database in server components through supabase-js, for client component we are using trpc+prisma due to the superior DX
- Clone this project
- Run
pnpm install
- Copy the .env.example into .env and fill out the envs
Then go to supabase/config.toml file and change your service name.
Start the database:
- supabase start
- pnpm prepare:local
Connect supabase to remote instance:
- supabase link --project-ref <your_project_id>
- pnpm prepare:remote
- Fill out environment variables
- Create Secrets on Github
- supabase migration new <migration_name>
Then go to supabase/migrations folder and add your SQL there.
- pnpm db:diff <migration_name>
Every time you change something on local instance:
pnpm prepare:local
- If you develop on cloud supabase run:
pnpm prepare:remote
- Run the project
pnpm dev
If you are not familiar with the different technologies used in this project, please refer to the respective docs.
👤 Rickylabs
- Github: @Rickylabs
- LinkedIn: @
To learn more about the T3 Stack, take a look at the following resources:
- Documentation
- Learn the T3 Stack — Check out these awesome tutorials
You can check out the create-t3-app GitHub repository — your feedback and contributions are welcome!
Follow deployment guides for Vercel, Netlify and Docker for more information.