Client(username=None, password=None, baseurl=None)
initialize the client and get a group
>>> import openreview
>>> client = openreview.Client(username='[email protected]', password='12345', baseurl='')
>>> iclr_group = client.get_group('')
get all notes submitted via a given invitation
>>> notes = client.get_notes(invitation='')
>>> first_note = notes[0]
>>> second_note = notes[1]
list of functions:
get_group(self, id):
get_invitation(self, id):
get_note(self, id):
get_groups(self, prefix=None, regex=None, member=None, host=None, signatory=None):
get_invitations(self, id=None, invitee=None, replytoNote=None, replyForum=None, signature=None, note=None):
get_notes(self, id=None, forum=None, invitation=None, replyto=None, tauthor=None, signature=None, writer=None, includeTrash=None, number=None):
post_group(self, group, overwrite=True):
post_invitation(self, invitation):
post_note(self, note):
send_mail(self, subject, recipients, message):
add_members_to_group(self, group, members):
remove_members_from_group(self, group, members):
Link to full Documentation
To run the tests of the library you need to have the OpenReview backend running in your localhost.
Checkout the code and run
NODE_ENV=test node scripts/clean_start_app.js