Cesium 动态打印插件 cesium-print is a plugin for cesium printing
Include it in your code after importing npm, like:
npm install cesium-print -dev
Use it like:
import CesiumPrint from "cesium-print";
viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
contextOptions: {
id: "cesiumCanvas",//must
webgl: {
preserveDrawingBuffer: true
//打印cesium canvas dom
CesiumPrint.drawArea("cesiumCanvas", {
penColor: "yellow", //画笔颜色
strokeWidth: 1 //单位 px
.then(base64url => {
//base64url is images
//print drawArea dom
.catch(error => {
You can submit the options object like:
//打印cesium canvas dom
CesiumPrint.drawArea("cesiumCanvas", {
penColor: "yellow", //画笔颜色
strokeWidth: 1 //单位 px
.then(base64url => {
// 高 宽
// A0:1189mm * 841mm
// A1:841mm * 594mm
// A2:594mm * 420mm
// A3:420mm * 297mm
// A4:297mm * 210mm
// 页边距: 0.75 inch
// A1: 23.39x33.11 inch
// 打印机DPI:300DPI
// 屏幕DPI : 96DPI
// width = (23.39 - 0.75 * 2) * 96 = 2101 px
// height = (33.11 - 0.75 * 2)* 96 = 3034 px
// A4: 8.27x11.69 inch
// 打印机DPI:300DPI
// 屏幕DPI : 96DPI
// width = (8.27 - 0.75 * 2) * 96 = 650 px
// height = (11.69 - 0.75 * 2)* 96 = 978 px
// 所以,当<table> 的width=650px, height=978px时,用IE 打印时,刚好能打印一页的A4纸.
// //a1横向打印尺寸
// var a1 = { width: "3034", height: "2101" };
// //a4横向打印尺寸
var a4 = { width: "978", height: "650" };
let printOptions = {
title: "打印标题(print title)",
width: a4.width,
height: a4.height,
fontSize: "30",
downLoadEnable: true //是否下载打印文件
CesiumPrint.print(base64url, printOptions);
.catch(error => {
Currently this plugin supports the following options:
- Default:
- Acceptable-Values: color string
- Function Desc: pen Color
- Default:
- Acceptable-Values: number
- Function: stroke width ( unit px )
- Default:
- Acceptable-Values: number
- Function: print width ( unit px )
- Default:
, creates a hidden iframe if no-vaild iframe selector is passed - Acceptable-Values: number
- Function: print width ( unit px )
- Default:
- Acceptable-Values: number
- Function: print title font size ( unit px )
- Default:
- Acceptable-Values: Boolean
- Function: down load print file enable
- Default:
, uses the host page title - Acceptable-Values: Any single-line string
- Function: To change the printed title
- Google Chrome - v ...
- Firefox - v ...
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