This directory provides a fast implementation of the PREDICTS projection code. There are three main components:
- r2py
- rasterset
- predicts-specific code
All three components are in the directory projections and get installed as a single python module (it's easier to only install one python module for now).
The directory also contains a number of driver scripts (,, utility scripts, and throw-away scripts I used while writing my masters' dissertation. Over time I will try to clean up this stuff and only leave here code related to projections.
The code requires the following data-sets:
Global roads database: gRoads v1
Global rural-urban population density: GRUMP v1
Global rural-urban population density (v4): The latest version of the GRUMP (v4) database is available. Perhaps I should switch to this new version?
Citation: Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2016. Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density Adjusted to Match 2015 Revision UN WPP Country Totals. Palisades, NY: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC).
- When authors make use of data they should cite both the data set and the scientific publication, if available. Such a practice gives credit to data set producers and advances principles of transparency and reproducibility. Please visit the data citations page for details. Users who would like to choose to format the citation(s) for this dataset using a myriad of alternate styles can copy the DOI number and paste it into Crosscite's website.
Historical land-use maps (optional): The code grovels over the historical land-use maps to calculate the age of secondary vegetation. Not all projections use this information, e.g. the fine resolution projections don't take into account secondary vegetation age. HYDE 3.1 Land-use data
Spatial Population Scenarios: These are human population projections that match the SSPs and include urbanization. The data is available only for each decade (2010, 2020, etc.) and is available on a 1/8 grid. For use with the LUG2 data is needs to be scaled and interpolated (see the gen
spsscript). SPS -
Land-use intensity calculation: this data is required to generate a predictive model for land-use intensity. There are two sources of information: 1km grid maps (used in the fine resolution projection code) and .csv files for each land-use type. This correspond to Table 2 in the Nature supplementary information section
UN countries database: Rasters are generated from a shape file called Natural Earth 10m Admin 0 -- Countries.
Much of the information available in this vector file is also available in TM-WORLDBORDER but the later has follen out of date and does not have the latest information and the former does not include the numerical code for the UN subregions.
UN subregion database:: Rasters are generated from a shape file called TM-WORLDBORDERS.
UP world population prospects database: WPP 2010](
RCP land-use projection database: RCP 1.1
Global high-resolution (30") land-use data: This is the data set used in the 2016 Science paper. Fine resolution land-use data (2005)
Terrestrial ecoregions of the world: WWF dataset Terrestrial ecoregions of the world (2012)
PREDCITS database: only needed ig you plan to fit new models.
All map / grid based data needs to be cleaned up and normalized, that is make sure they all have the same projection, dimensions, and cell size.
You need to get a copy of the source datasets and the scaled datasets for the resolution you want. For example, if you want to generate 0.5° rasters, you will need to take the TM-WORLDBORDERS shape file and rasterize it---once to generate a map of UN country code and once to generate a map of UN subregion codes.
There are a number of scripts to can be used to generate projections using PREDICTS models.
- Generates projections using LUH2 data and Sam's forested/non-forested models.
- Generates projections using LUH2 data and Tim's models (from Science manuscript). Or any model that has similar structure.
- Generates projections using RCP data and Adriana's model for tropical abundance. I wrote this mainly to test the code using the low resolution data before moving on to the high-resolution data.
- Generates projections using 30" rasters and Adriana's tropical abundance model. Uses streaming to reduce memory and CPU requirements during the computation. I haven't tried running it in some time so likely broken.
- Generates projections for IPBES assessment using Sam's models. These models use the LUH2 dataset and have a finer land-use categorization. In addition, there are two separate models; one for potentially forested regions and one for not potentially-forested regions (the LUH2 dataset provides a map to distinguish between the two).
These scripts are meant as starting points from which you should develop
your own code. They have hard-coded assumptions about where to find
input rasters and models, and where to save output rasters. They expect
source data to be under $DATA_ROOT
and generated data under
You will need to have a number of input data rasters, e.g. UN sub-regions, reference human population density.
The script
will attempt to generate all the derived data for
all land use data sources (luh2, luh5, rcp, 1km) but will likely not
work under windows :(. But it at does have the recipes required to
generate the data.
projections: all the library code and most likely place to start if you want to understand how the code works. There are three independent python modules
- r2py: converts n R model to a python module. Includes an executable
script (
) which does the conversion. - rasterset: defines a data-frame-like structure which each column is defined by a function that computes a raster.
- PREDICTS-specific code. This is what defines the four sets of PREDICTS templates (one each fo RCP, LUH2, LUH5 (five land-use classes), and 1km.
- r2py: converts n R model to a python module. Includes an executable
script (
lu: Land use stuff. One python module per source of data. The rcp module has code for extracting data from the distribution tar files into individual files that are easier to work with
lui: Code corresponding to the UI variable in models. The python modules define classes used when evaluating projectiosn to compute land use intensity.
ui: Code corresponding to UseIntensity UseIntensity variable in models.
hpd: Code for projecting human population density. I implemented three algorithms.
- scale GRUMPS based on WPP (scaling by country)
- Interpolate SPS
- Scale GRUMPS by interpolated SPS (scaling by pixel)
Note that WPP only extends back to 1950 so there is currently no mechanism for projecting/calculating population density before 1950.
roads: Code for computing and rasterizing distance to a road using GDAL.
scripts: top-level scripts that are installed as executable tools.
attic: miscellaneous scripts that I found useful and didn't want to delete but didn't expect to keep using.
pip install -e .
In the directory you are in should take care of things. But, I've found this often fails. On linux the following seems to do the trick
sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386] xenial/'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualenv libgdal-dev libnetcdf-dev libnetcdf11 libproj-dev python-dev libgdal1-dev gdal-bin virtualenv python-pip python-gdal libnetcdf-dev libudunits2-dev libcairo2-dev libxt-dev mosh r-base
virtualenv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install numpy
CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal pip install GDAL==1.11.2 --no-binary GDAL
pip install -e .
This will install all the required libraries in a virtual environment (so you can keep python packages for different project separate).
You now need to set two environment variables that point to the root of
the data folder and the output folder. Place the following two lines in
.bash_profile, replacing /data
and /ds
with the location of the data
and ds folders on your computer.
set DATA_ROOT=/data
set OUTDIR=/ds
The easiest way to install the code on Windows is to use Anaconda (or miniconda) and git. If they are not already installed on your system, follow the instructions in the Download page.
To follow this instructions, on Windows open an Anaconda prompt (should be in the start menu if Anaconda was installed properly). On macOS open a terminal. Type the commands below into the window you just opened.
Once you have conda
installed first define which channels to use. Make
sure the channels are listed with the following priority
- conda-forge
- r
- defaults
I've run into problems when conda decides to mix packages from different channels. I solved this problem by making conda-forge the highest priority channel since it has the largest selection of packages---hence better chance of solving the dependency quagmire. Adding a new channel will make it the highest priority, so add them in reverse order.
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels r
conda config --add channels conda-forge
The next step is to clone the repo using git. Unfortunately because of
the way things work on Windows you may need to switch back and forth
between the git window and the conda window. Use the git window (shell)
to clone the repo (on macOS use the same terminal). If you are using
(Github Desktop)[] clone the repo and then
to the folder of the repo.
git clone
Go back to the conda window and create and activate a new environment
for your projections. Use cd
to go to the repo you just checked out.
conda env create -n gis python=3.6 --file environment.yml
activate gis # For Windows
# source activate gis # For macOS
The last step is to use pip
to install the projections package.
pip install -e .
The -e
flag tells pip
to make the package editable. If you edit the
code the changes will get picked up automatically. You only need to
re-run this step if you add a new entry point.
You now need to set two variables that point to the root of the data
folder and the output folder. Replace /data
and /ds
with the
location of the data and ds folders on your computer.
set DATA_ROOT=/data
set OUTDIR=/ds
You will need to do this once in every window you use, i.e. if you close a window and open a new one you will need to run this again. Unless you put these commands in a startup file.
That's it. Don't forget that to run projections you use the conda
window but to use git
use the git window.
This is an altenative installation method. If you can't install using conda, try using docker.
This repo contains a Dockerfile which you can use to build a docker image for generating projections. The image is built using jupyter/datascience-notebook as a base and therefore has the jupyter notebook server installed with support for python3, R, and Julia. In addition it contains many packages useful for fitting models so you can do both model fitting and projections in the same environment (but you don't have to).
The advantage of using docker is that anyone should be able to download
in docker-lingo) the image and get started using the code right
away. All the packages are already installed and ready to go so you
don't need to install anything.
Use docker pull
to download the image on a different computer. Once
the image is ready use docker run to run it
docker run --rm -it ricardog/project-notebook -v
/path/to/data/folder:/data -v /path/to/output/folder:/out -e
GRANT_SUDO=yes -p 8888:8888 --user root
It will print a URL you can use to access the notebook server. From there you can run or create notebooks and access the console. Notebooks can be in python, R, or Julia.
When using docker
toolbox (instead of
docker for windows or docker
for mac) you will need to increase
the resources of the default VM. See this
for instructions (see the section title "Change default vm settings").
You will need to choose how much memory (RAM) and CPU to allocate. This
depends on how "big" the computer is and how big are the projections you
want to run. You don't need to change the size of the disk since the
projections place output files in a shared folder (/out
If you use the existing scripts to generate projections, they will write
output files to /out
, which is a shared folder between the container
and the host computer. You specify which folder to use when running the
contains (see the -v
options above).
When you are done, simply press Ctrl-C in the window where the container started and it will be destroyed and removed.
Only follow this steps to build a new version of the image. See steps above if you want to generate projections.
Assuming you have docker toolbox or docker installed run
docker build . -t ricardog/project-notebook
If the build succeeds it is a good idea to verify all the packages installed correctly (or at least verify some troublesome ones installed correctly). In particular, I've had problem with the conda dependency calculation decides to install libgdal 2.2.* when both fiona and rasterio are pinned to libgdal 2.1.*. The way I worked around this for now was to add an explicit dependency on libgdal 2.1.*. This seems to make conda do the "right thing".
If you are satisfied with the container, push it to docker hub with
docker push ricardog/project-notebook
See the inked instructions for more details. I am not certain whether anyone other than me (ricardog) can push to that image or not but we will find out when someone tries.
I wrote these notes early on as I started looking through Tim's code. They are not relevant to using the code.
Build a species richness model: depends on
- Human population density (log)
- Distance to a road (log)
- Land-use type
Build a (log of) total abundance model: depends on
- Land-use intensity
- Human population density (log)
- Land-use type
Build a land-use intensity model: This model is required because we assume land-use intensity data is not directly available or it is not consistent with that used for building the total abundance model. So the pipeline calculates the land-use intensity using other factors and then uses the intensity for predicting abundance.
The model depends on:
- Land-use type (log + 1)
- Human population density (log + 1)
- UN subregion
Build compositional similarity model: OLD. This model predicts compositional similarity and is used to compute the Biota Intactness Index (BII).