This free open source derivative of the Smoothieboard is designed for CNC applications. It is intended for use with external stepper motor drivers. It features 13 digital open collector outputs, 8 digital inputs, 4 analog inputs, RS485 interface for spindle, 10V analog output for spindle, support for LCD screen, Ethernet, and power supply up to 40V.
This is a hardware project with PCB design file in Eagle. A 3D printable case (Top, Bottom) design in Fusion360 is also provided. Example configuration files for Smoothieware and grbl-lpc are also provided.
- Richard Ibbotson
Licensed under CERN OHL v.1.2 or later No warranty is provided for this documentation implied or otherwise.
- All the folks at rLab Reading Hackspace especially Toby
- The Smoothieboard creators and the Smoothieware team