This is my personal config files for i3-gaps. Based on EvanKoe & rxyhn dotfiles.
I actually used rxyhn dots before, and i like it. but his awesome modules spawned on the second monitor if i plug a hdmi to my laptop and got annoyed by it. After some researching, i3 does not do this and used EvanKoe dots on it (2022 one). But my head went "Frick it. Combine both of them." And this dots born.
- i3-gaps : ✅
- alacritty : ✅
- polybar : ✅
- picom : ✅
- rofi : ✅
- GTK2 Theming : 🚸 (Buggy, mainly used to translate GTK theme to QT5 Only.)
- GTK3 Theming : ✅
- GTK4 Theming : ✅
- QT5 Theming : 🚸 (See GTK2 Theming.)
- LightDM WebKit2 Theming : ✅
Location | Screenshots |
Desktop | |
App Menu | |
Terminal & GTK3 Apps | |
QT5 Apps | |
Login Screen/Lockscreen |
Install the deps first :
xorg-server i3-gaps nitrogen xfce4-notifyd brightnessctl dex light-locker alacritty pcmanfm-gtk3 scrot rofi dmenu lxappearance-gtk3 lightdm lightdm-webkit2-greeter noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra ttf-font-awesome gtk-engine-murrine polybar papirus-icon-theme pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack
Optional but recommended :
arandr gpicview l3afpad lxtask-gtk3 pavucontrol mpv copyq
Then from AUR :
picom-git volantes-cursors
Optional but recommended from AUR :
uwufetch polkit-dumb-agent-git qt5-styleplugins gtk3-classic cava libxfce4ui-nocsd
Clone my dots and copy to the desired folders
git clone
cd dotfiles
cp -r configs/* ~/.config
sudo cp -r themes/* /usr/share/themes
sudo cp -r lightdm-themes/* /usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes
sudo cp -r wallpapers/* /usr/share/pixmaps
Don't forget to enable lightdm service & set lightdm greeter to webkit one. See ArchWiki for more details.
sudo systemctl enable lightdm.service
And you are done! Continue to the post-install section.
On the first login, polybar and i3 will load successfuly, but nitrogen does not.
To fix it, Open Nitrogen (via Super+D, from rofi) and click preferences. Add directory for wallpapers (on my setup i put it on /usr/share/pixmaps
) and click OK. Select the wallpapers and click apply.
For GTK themes, open lxappearance, under "Widget", select Materia-moredark-compact
, for fonts select Noto Sans CJK JP Regular
, under "Icon theme" select Papirus Dark
, under "Mouse cursor" select Volantes Cursors
For Qt themes, (i assumed you installed qt5-styleplugins) open /etc/environment
using your favourite text editor and put this lines on the bottom of the text : QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2
For notifications, run xfce4-notifyd-config
from rofi, and change default position to bottom right.
For LightDM, open/create /etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf
with your favourite text editor, find webkit_theme
strings, and change the value to moredark
until it looked like this :
webkit_theme = moredark
Save it and reboot.
Super + L
LockscreenSuper + W
TerminalSuper + E
File ManagerSuper + D
Application MenuPrint
ScreenshotSuper + Q
Quit an appSuper + 1 ... 0
Switch workspace
For more keybindings, go to ~/.config/i3/config
This feature is actually from EvanKoe dots and it still used in this dots!
To access it, press Super + BackSpace
key to enter STFU Mode.
Press again Super + BackSpace
key to exit STFU Mode.
On this Mode, pressing :
Ctrl + S
to shutdown the system.r
key to reboot.l
key to log out. like as EvanKoe intended to.
I don't even know EvanKoe dots had this until i see it under his i3 configs. and of course this thing still being used on this dots.
To access it, press Super + P
to enter this mode.
Press Super + P
again to exit.
On this mode, pressing :
key to extend display to the right side.L
key to extend display to the left side.D
key to duplicate main display to the second display.N
key to disable the second display.
Want to play osu!mania but picom running in the background as a compositor making the game latency higher. So i created this mode to make it easy to turn off the compositor.
To access it, press Ctrl + Super + C
to enter this mode.
Press Ctrl + Super + C
again to exit.
On this mode, pressing :
key to kickstart picom again after it got killed.K
key to kill picom. (viakillall
- rxyhn For Picom config files and Rofi custom theme.
- EvanKoe For i3-gaps & alacritty config files.
- ldy3112 For helping me on polybar stuff and make me stay on i3-gaps.
- nana-4 For the Materia GTK Theme. (dark-compact variant)
- dimaglushkov For the lightdm webkit themes as a base.
- Rectify11 Team for the wallpapers.