Mobile (iOS) client for myhealth, written with RubyMotion.
NOTE - need access to a running instance of the myhealth server to run. This may/or may not still be available on heroku ( If not, you'll have to get your own instance running from You should also run this on a real device, or work out how to add images to the iOS simulator.
Allows users to generate wallpapers (using images from their own device) overlayed with emergency medical data from myhealth (server).
Wallpapers are meant to be added as 'Lock Screen' backgrounds, so emergency medical data is available at a glance.
If you're interested in iOS apps written in RubyMotion, this app shows:
- NavigationView and TabView UI containers
- Formotion (gem) to build iOS forms via simple hash syntax
- Access iOS Photo's API
- Rest API calls and JSON parsing
- Use of Dispatch::Queue to create threads then sync back to main thread
- UIActivityIndicatorView spinners
Things we ran out of time to do on hackday:
- Add QR code image to wallpaper (myhealth server already exposes a URI)
- Fix hardcoding to a specific user in myhealth
- Appstore release ... PROFIT!