Anime.js Vue Particle Explosion
Prop | Type | Default | Function |
amountMax | Number | 100 | Minimum amount of particles to emit. |
amountMin | Number | amountMax | Minimum amount of particles to emit. |
blendMode | String | "overlay" | Sets the blend mode of the particles. |
borderRadiusStart | Number | 0 | Sets the border-radius property on the particle at the start. |
borderRadiusEnd | Number | "1px" | Sets the border-radius of the particle at the end. |
boxShadow | String | "0 0 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.123)" | Sets the CSS box-shadow property on the particles. |
colorStart | String | "random" | Starting color, do not use literal values like 'red', has 'random' option. |
colorEnd | String | "random" | Ending color, do not use literal values like 'blue', has 'random' option. |
config | Object | {} | An Anime.js config which will be merged with the default. |
defaults | Boolean | TRUE | Use default options, which can still be overwritten by config options. |
durationMax | Number | 500 | Duration of animation, max value if durationMin is set, in ms. |
durationMin | Number | durationMax | Minimum duration of animation, defaults to the value of durationMax, in ms. |
ease | String | "easeInBounce" | Main ease function. ( |
easeBackgroundColor | String | ease | Specific ease function for backgroundColor. |
easeBorderRadius | String | ease | Specific ease function for borderRadius. |
easeFilter | String | ease | Specific ease function for filters. |
easeHeight | String | ease | Specific ease function for height. |
easeWidth | String | ease | Specific ease function for width. |
easeOpacity | String | ease | Specific ease function for opacity. |
easeRotate | String | ease | Specific ease function for rotate. |
easeX | String | ease | Specific ease function for translateX. |
easeY | String | ease | Specific ease function for translateY. |
filterStart | String | "blur(1px)" | CSS filter value(s) for the start of the effect, make sure they match filterEnd. |
filterEnd | String | "blur(0px)" | CSS filter value(s) for the end of the effect, make sure they match filterStart. |
opacityStart | Number | 1 | Opacity to start the particles at. |
opacityEnd | Number | 0 | Opacity to end the particles with. |
radiusMax | Number | 50 | Maximum radius of particle explosion. |
radiusMin | Number | radiusMax | Minimum radius of particle explosion. |
rotateMax | Number | 0 | The maximum rotate amount in degrees, can be negative. |
rotateMin | Number | rotateMax * -1 | The minimum rotate amount in degrees, can be negative. |
sizeWidthStart | String | "2px" | Start width of the particle, use CSS sizing, '2px' for example. |
sizeHeightStart | String | sizeWidthStart | Start height of the particle, use CSS sizing, '2px' for example. |
sizeWidthEnd | String | "1px" | End width of the particle, use CSS sizing, '1px' for example. |
sizeHeightEnd | String | sizeWidthEnd | End height of the particle, use CSS sizing, '1px' for example. |
zindex | Number | -1 | Sets the z-index of the particles so you can place them behind values. |