This is a set of Chef recipes that I use to configure an OSX system to my liking. There are some configurable options in the example node.json.* files.
- Chef 0.10.x or Chef 10.x (Tested with Chef Solo, and will probably work best that way)
- An OSX computer. Tested on OSX 10.5, probably similarly compatible with later versions
Assuming you've got Chef already installed..
Clone this repo...
git clone git:// ~/osx_blueprint
Configure a Chef Solo file to point to those cookbooks...
require 'rubygems'
require 'ohai'
o =
file_cache_path "~/.chef/cache"
cookbook_path ["~/osx_blueprint/cookbooks"]
Pro Tip: You should probably use the full path to your home dir, rather than ~/.
Configure the example/chef-solo/node.json.sudo to your desired configuration...
Run Chef Solo as sudo, so that stuff requiring root access can be done...
chef-solo -c /path/to/solo.rb -j ~/osx_blueprint/examples/chef-solo/node.json.sudo
Configure one of the example/chef-solo/node.json.* files to your desired configuration...
cp ~/osx_blueprint/examples/chef-solo/node.json.basic ~/osx_blueprint/examples/chef-solo/node.json.mine
vim ~/osx_blueprint/examples/chef-solo/node.json.mine
Run Chef Solo as the user you want to receive all of the goodness...
chef-solo -c /path/to/solo.rb -j ~/osx_blueprint/examples/chef-solo/node.json.mine