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RGeo::Shapefile is an optional module for RGeo for reading geospatial data from ESRI shapefiles.


RGeo is a key component for writing location-aware applications in the Ruby programming language. At its core is an implementation of the industry standard OGC Simple Features Specification, which provides data representations of geometric objects such as points, lines, and polygons, along with a set of geometric analysis operations. See the README for the rgeo gem for more information.

RGeo::Shapefile is an optional RGeo add-on module for reading geospatial data from ESRI shapefiles. The shapefile format is a common file format for geospatial data sets. It is specified in this ESRI whitepaper.


require 'rgeo/shapefile''myshpfil.shp') do |file|
  puts "File contains #{file.num_records} records."
  file.each do |record|
    puts "Record number #{record.index}:"
    puts "  Geometry: #{record.geometry.as_text}"
    puts "  Attributes: #{record.attributes.inspect}"
  # If using version 3.0.0 or earlier, rewind is necessary to return to the beginning of the file.
  # file.rewind
  record =
  puts "First record geometry was: #{record.geometry.as_text}"

Skipping validity checks

If you have shapefiles that are failing rgeo validity checks you can skip validity checks by passing allow_unsafe: true to the RGeo::Shapefile::Reader#open method:'myshpfil.shp', allow_unsafe: true) do |file|
  # ...


RGeo::Shapefile has the following requirements:

  • Ruby 2.4.0 or later
  • rgeo 1.0.0 or later.
  • dbf 4.0 or later.

If you need support for older Rubies, please use 2.x version

Include in your bundle:

gem 'rgeo-shapefile'

Install RGeo::Shapefile as a gem:

gem install rgeo-shapefile

See the rgeo gem, a required dependency, for further installation information.

If you are using Ruby 2.3, use version 2.0.x of this gem.

If you are using Ruby 2.0-2.2, use version 1.0.x of this gem.

If you are using Ruby 1.9, use version 0.3.x of this gem.

If you are using Ruby 1.8, use version 0.2.x of this gem.

Development and support

Documentation is available at

Source code is hosted on Github at

Contributions are welcome. Fork the project on Github.

Report bugs on Github issues at


rgeo-shapefile was orginally written by Daniel Azuma (

Development is supported by:

Although we don't use shapelib ( to read ESRI shapefiles, we did borrow a bunch of their test cases.


Copyright Daniel Azuma, Tee Parham