My vim configuration. Mainly inspired by the amix's one.
This configuration should work with vim >= 7.2
curl -sS | sh
If you wan't to add specific configuration, you can add that to ~/.my.vimrc which is suppose to be created during the installation.
- vundle : Plugin manager (like pathogen, but painless)
- nerdtree : A nice file explorer
- ctrlp : A smart file opener
- powerline : THE statusbar
- Markdown-syntax: Write your in vim :)
- UltiSnips : Snippet engine
- snipMate : In case your vim isn't compiled with python's support
- AutoClose : Automatically close "'({[
- multiple-cursors : Sublime text like multiple cursor
specific for web development
- emmet : HTML & CSS super fast
- phpcomplete : patch phpcomplete.vom
- phpcs.vim: PPH CodeSniffer check code against standards
- peaksea : default in gui mode
- Mustang2 : default in term-256 mode
- desert
- Solarized
- tir_black
- candycode
To update, just run that script
It'll update the project, sub-projects and Bundles