Goldbach Conjecture Validator, a tool to test the Goldbach's Conjecture.This Validator can test Goldbach's Conjecture. Can running in frontend or background, and configure settings as needed.
cd GoldBachCtl-main
gcc GoldBachCtl.c -o GoldBachCtl
~$ ./GoldBachCtl start
~$ ./GoldBachCtl status
~$ ./GoldBachCtl config
Please Enter MaxMum upper limit, the default is: 18446744073709551615: 10000
Turn on debug mode (foreground running mode)?, default 0, Enter 1 to Enable: 1
~$ ./GoldBachCtl start
~$ cpulimit --limit 20 -- ./GoldBachCtl start
Using command operate Goldbach Conjecture Validator, use the following commands with argument
./GoldBachCtl start
This command will initiates the process in background.
./GoldBachCtl stop
This command stops the process.
./GoldBachCtl suspend
Temporarily pause the background process.
./GoldBachCtl resume
Resume the background process after it has been suspended.
Check Status:
./GoldBachCtl status
Display the status of the background process.
Configure Settings:
./GoldBachCtl config
Change the configuration settings for the Validator.
Limit CPU Usage:
cpulimit --limit 20 -- ./GoldBachCtl start
This command will limits the CPU usage of the Validator to 20% while starting the background process.
For more detailed information about each command and options, use the --help
command to access the built-in manual.