👋 Hi, I’m Muhammad Hidayat. I am a computer science (informatics) student from Indonesia.
👀 I’m interested in:
- Full-stack web development
- Game development
- Machine learning
- Writing stories
🌱 I’m currently learning
- basics and fundamentals of web (HTML, CSS)
- JavaScript and TypeScript for both frontend and backend
- C++/raylib/ECS for game development
- Julia for high-performance data science and machine learning
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on:
- creating art for my works
- creating an engaging story
I'm also known by the following names:
- The Returning Soul (@return215) (you are here)
- Delta Dextra (@deltadex7) (slight variations may exist)
📫 How to reach me:
- Twitter: @215return
- Keybase: returnsoul215