- Setup for the workshop
- Exercise 1 - Startup a Cluster using the Google Kubernetes Engine
- Exercise 1 - AWS Setup
- Exercise 2 - Deploying a microservice to Kubernetes
- Exercise 3 - Creating a Kubernetes Service
- Exercise 4 - Scaling in and out
- Exercise 5 - Installing Istio
- Exercise 6 - Creating a Service Mesh with Istio Proxy
- Exercise 7 - Istio Ingress Controller
- Exercise 8 - Telemetry
- Exercise 9 - Distributed Tracing
- Exercise 10 - Request Routing and Canary Deployments
- Exercise 11 - Fault Injection and Rate Limiting
- Exercise 12 - Service Isolation Using Mixer
- Exercise 13 - Istio Mutual TLS
- Exercise 14 - Ensuring security with iptables
- Exercise 15 - mTLS again, now with 100% more SPIFFE
- Exercise 16 - Istio RBAC
These workshop exercises are built with the help from a number of amazing Kubernetes and Istio Experts from Google and Grand Cloud. This content is free to use we only ask that you keep the original attributions included in any future contributions or forks.
Ryan Knight @knight_cloud
Ray Tsang @saturnism
The Kubernetes and Istio Exercises are derived from the work of Ray Tsang @saturnism
A lot of the exercises where copied from the Istio Workshop Google Doc
And the exercises from these repositories:
Zach Butcher @ZachButcher
Zach was instrumental in helping write the Istio tutorials and in particular the Istio Mixer Exercises.