is a sound box with an API. You can send sounds and play them with some API calls. It has also a Text to Speech feature. By default the tts functionnality is supported by flite, but with some credentials defined you can use the AWS api.
Initially, sounds could only be played on the server. Now you can register specific clients and order them to play sound in place of the server.
This tool is mainly created to add notifications to openspace or noisy notifications to everyone.
To get started:
go get
A docker is also available on restanrm/bell
bellctl is the CLI that allows to interact with the bell server. You can upload, play sound, make backup, etc. here is the help command:
You can control a bell server. To choose your bell server use the env variable BELL_ADDRESS.addCmd
export BELL_ADDRESS=http://localhost:10101
bellctl list
bellctl [command]
Available Commands:
add Add new sounds to library
backup backup the list of sounds into an archive
delete delete allows to remove sounds from library
get retrieve sound and store it locally
help Help about any command
list List available sounds to play
play Play sound on the host that run the server command
register Register allows to connect to websocket of bell server. It will receive play orders and run them with `mpv`.
restore restore command help to put an archive sounds list back into a bell server
say say target use tts to say what you wrote
-h, --help help for bellctl
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
Use "bellctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
bell is a small api to play sound via an API.
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/api/v1/ | GET | list registered sound that can be played |
/api/v1/play/{sound} | GET | play a sound |
/api/v1/tts | GET | retrieve an html gui to play text |
/api/v1/tts | POST | send text to play |
/api/v1/tts/retrieve | POST | retrieve mp3 of said text |
/api/v1/sounds | GET | list registered sounds that can be played |
/api/v1/sounds | POST | add new sound to bell |
/api/v1/sounds/{sound} | DELETE | remove sound from bell |
/api/v1/mattermost | POST | allow slash commands on mattermost |
The API offer possibility to list the connected clients that can play music.
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/api/v1/clients | GET | list clients that can play music |
/api/v1/clients/register | GET | register to the websocket endpoint |
A client can register itself in order to receive order to play some music.
This canal allow to communicate the name of the sound. The data still need to
be retrieved by the registered
endpoint and played locally.
Message to register a new client. The name could be omitted, it will be replaced with an uuidV4 value. bellctl
use the hostname by default.
The received response contains the name of the client that will be used by the server.
A client that want to play some sound an a registered endpoint make a query on the play endpoint /api/v1/play/{sound}?destination={dest-name}
with the query parameter destination
positionned to the name of the registered endpoint.
Different kind of messages can be received:
- tts
- sound
- errors (not implemented yet).
The json format of a play order is the following:
"data": "payload. can be an error message, something to say, or a sound to retrieve."
This program needs mpv
to play sound.
The text to speach functionnality need an aws pairs of key to work. It uses Polly service. see here to create services to access it.
docker run --rm -it \
-p 10101:10101 \
--device /dev/snd \
-e PULSE_SERVER=unix:${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/pulse/native \
-v ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/pulse/native:${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/pulse/native \
-v ~/.config/pulse/cookie:/root/.config/pulse/cookie \
--group-add $(getent group audio | cut -d: -f3) \
- implement tags in front
- add dest selection
- add registering selection
- add tag selection
- implement the registering part on the front
- improve upload in front
- add tags listing
- allow to create new tags
- upload sound with selected tags
- put everything in one page on the front
- create a good design to support it
- add TTS client
- add new type of opbject in websockets
- implement it on bellctl
- implement it on frontend
- update documentation