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Releases: respawn-app/FlowMVI

3.0.0 🚀

26 May 13:35
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🧨 Breaking changes

🚨 Behavior change - the number of subscribers that onSubscribe receives has been changed from previous to current. I.e. onSubscribe will now get a number bigger by one. Please manually check each usage of onSubscribe in the project right after you update. 🚨

  • Compile-time error: JobManager is now a generic class, which means expression val jobs = manageJobs() requires a type argument now. To fix, simply provide the return type expicitly:
    val jobs: JobManager<Jobs> = manageJobs()
  • Removed deprecated android-compose artifact. You can now just use compose which is multiplatform.
  • Merged android-view and android artifacts - please remove android-view
  • Store will now check if it has been launched before it is subscribed to. This will result in an exception if not. Opt-out of this behavior using allowIdleSubscriptions = true. This check will not be run when debuggable = false
  • Verify each method of store plugin builder is only called once. The plugin builder will now throw if you attempt to invoke a given callback multiple times. For example, onStart { } ; onStart { } will now throw

🚀 New Features

  • Compose and lifecycle support is now multiplatform! With androidx.lifecycle being multiplatform, the library automatically uses system lifecycle to subscribe to the store.
    • However, if you are using a navigation library with a custom lifecycle support, such as Decompose, you can pass the lifecycle as a composition local (using the essenty integration) or manually as a function parameter.
  • Remote Debugging! A new module family debugger-* allows to debug your stores remotely, with a dedicated app provided for Linux, MacOS, Windows.
  • Essenty Integration! Two new modules: essenty and essenty-compose provide integration with Decompose and Essenty libraries, including lifecycle, retained instances and saved state. Essenty setup explained in docs
  • Wasm and JS support for all modules. saveStatePlugin will persist the state to local storage on browser targets by default
  • New flag atomicStateUpdates in store builders allows disabling serialization / atomicity of state transactions if that is not needed, improving performance. true by default
  • Stores now have StoreLogger parameter which
    • can be overridden and decorated
    • is available in the store's code and plugins
    • fully multiplatform and automatic
      You can set or remove the store logger using the configure block. If a value is not set, then if debuggable is true, a platform logger will be used, and if false, no-op logger will.
  • Added a new "queue" property for Undo/Redo to observe changes to the queue
  • Implemented a new multiplatform sample app for Wasm, Android, Desktop and iOS to showcase main features, integration with decompose, DI setup and lifecycle setup.
  • savedStatePlugin now provides logging information
  • serializeState plugin now has a default Json instance provided. Using it is recommended if your json instance is not lenient enough to ignore schema changes.
  • Library performance was optimized to reduce object allocation, lambda creation and function indirection. With k2, lambdas which are extensively used in the library should become more performant. Also optimizations were made to the subscription lifecycle handling to make it faster & more reliable.
  • Implemented a new Lazy Plugin DSL where plugin will now have access to the store configuration that installs it and that will be built at the store creation time, not at the property instantiation time.
    • This Lazy DSL replaces the old lazyPlugin function.
    • Convert an existing plugin into a lazy one to get access to the config by calling LazyPlugin { config -> }
    • Create a lazy plugin using lazyPlugin builder function and use the config property
    • StoreConfiguration is now also available from PipelineContext, so you can invoke logging calls and determine if the store is debuggable

🐞 Bug fixes

  • Fixed file name for serializeState function using store name instead of actual name
  • Fix Savers handling cancellation exceptions
  • Added a missing overload of Time Travel that would create and return the object for the user
  • Store will now not print logs when the state has not changed (stayed the same)
  • Fixed race with concurrent subscriptions to the store where job was relaunched too many times
  • Fixed store builder allowing to install 0 plugins
  • Synchronize disallowRestart plugin operations
  • Ensured subscription events are always sent and processed. This should fix rare bugs where the number of subscribers was quickly conflated to the same value sometimes.
  • Fixed issues where store configuration was accessible and changeable from plugins and from callbacks. This will now not compile instead of silently failing.
  • Disallowed nested plugin callback invocation e.g. onStart { onStart { } }

📚 Docs

  • Project Icon, banner, and star history
  • Documentation on prebuilt plugins
  • Docs on lazy plugins
  • Docs for store configuration parameters
  • Docs on remote debugger setup
  • Expanded FAQ
  • Docs for essenty integration

⭐️ Deprecations

  • Deprecated parentStorePlugin in favor of a simple store.collect suspending function. It's much more flexible and allows to merge the incoming state with other data sources
  • Deprecated platformLoggingPlugin, nativeLoggingPlugin, consoleLoggingPlugin, logcatLoggingPlugin as a default loggingPlugin now uses store logger by default
  • Deprecated parameters of savedStatePlugin which were accepting a file and a directory, because on wasm targets local storage is used. A new overload that takes a path is now used.
  • New configure { } block DSL replaced the old store configuration properties. You can no longer access store configuration in the store builder. This change was made to ensure users do not access store configuration before it's actually created, because while the store is being built, the configuration may change. This will also prevent users from changing the store configuration inside the plugins, which makes no sense as the configuration is not valid anymore.
  • Many default parameters were removed from multiple plugins because those parameters are now obtained from the Store configuration using Lazy Plugin DSL. This includes logger, debugger, save state and some other plugins. Only non-mandatory parameters were removed. You can safely remove them as well.

Changes since 2.5.0-alpha12


  • un-deprecate overloads of subscribe where the lifecycle is not provided explicitly
  • deprecate useState and rename to updateStateImmediate with auto-replace
  • change the return value of onSubscribe to return the new subscriber count
  • Kotlin 2.0, compose 1.6.10
  • allow overriding name and logger for the logging plugin
  • update docs for v3.0

Bug fixes

  • Bring back stateProvider under a deprecation message to reduce migration complexity
  • Bring back removed logging plugin as it was removed too early
  • Bring back removed nameByType temporarily to reduce migration complexity


01 May 17:59
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2.5.0-alpha12 Pre-release

Breaking Changes

  • Verify each method of store plugin builder is only called once, reduce lambda allocations. The plugin builder will now throw if you attempt to invoke a given callback multiple times. For example, onStart { } ; onStart { }
  • Disallowed nested invocation of plugin builder callbacks. Previously it was possible to call onStart { onStart { } }. Now such usages will fail at compilation time because the second invocation will never be executed.

New Features

  • Add lazy thread-safety mode to lazy store builder functions
  • Make UnrecoverableException open
  • Warn about possible component context leak when using essenty DSL.
  • Implement StateKeeper integration for essenty. You can now invoke keepState or install(keepStatePlugin()) to persist the state using Essenty StateKeeper
  • Implement subscription DSL for components in the essenty integration. You can now subscribe in the components.
  • Add dsl to create retained stores using container factory


  • Update decompose sample feature to follow the new essenty api

Bug Fixes

  • fix await subscribers condition for completing the wait period
  • fix storeBuilder vararg plugin installation order


  • Change sample code theme to Atom One


26 Apr 15:29
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2.5.0-alpha11 Pre-release

Breaking Changes

  • New configure { } block DSL replaced the old store configuration properties. You can no longer access store configuration in the store builder. This change was made to ensure users do not access store configuration before it's actually created, because while the store is being built, the configuration may change. Old properties were deprecated. This will also prevent users from changing the store configuration inside the plugins, which makes no sense as the configuration will not change at this point.
  • JobManager plugin will now accept generic parameters. Your code won't compile if you previously did not provide those. Please declare the type explicitly: val jobs: JobManager<String> = manageJobs()
  • #51: Store will now check if it has been launched before it is subscribed to. This will result in an exception if not. Opt-out of this behavior using allowIdleSubscriptions = true. This check will not be run when debuggable = false
  • Many default parameters were removed from multiple plugins because those parameters are now obtained from the Store configuration using Lazy Plugin DSL. This includes logger, debugger, save state and some other plugins. Only non-mandatory parameters were removed. You can safely remove them as well.
  • Removed deprecated: consoleLogging, parentStore, savedState, nativeLogging, androidLogging plugins

New Features

  • Implemented a new Lazy Plugin DSL where plugin will now have access to the store configuration that installs it and that will be built at the store creation time, not at the property instantiation time. This Lazy DSL replaces the old lazyPlugin function.
    • Convert an existing plugin into a lazy one to get access to the config by calling LazyPlugin { config -> }
    • Create a lazy plugin using lazyPlugin and use the config property
  • Ensured subscription events are always sent and processed. This should fix rare bugs where the number of subscribers was quickly conflated to the same value sometimes.
  • Added automatic logging to plugin test dsl
  • Added StoreConfiguration to pipeline context
  • Do not require name for the store in Essenty DSL
  • Added return value to AwaitSubscribers plugin - it will now return the SubscriberManager
  • Implemented two-pane layout for sample app
  • Sample app will now be uploaded for desktop with GH Actions

Bug Fixes

  • Store will now not print logs when the state has not changed (stayed the same)
  • Fixed race with concurrent subscriptions to the store where job was relaunched too many times
  • Fixed store builder allowing to install 0 plugins
  • Use generic iterable for composite plugin
  • Fixed bug report template layout
  • Fixed some outdated documentation
  • Use immediate dispatcher on native store
  • Store Builder plugins are now thread-safe when creating
  • Synchronize disallowRestart plugin operations
  • Add queue size parameter to time travel plugin


  • Updated docs for v3.0, adding lazy plugin and configure block sections
  • Split documentation into better sections with dedicated pages for android, compose
  • Added lazy plugin explanation to docs
  • Added documentation on prebuilt plugins, explaining how, when and for what to use them


  • Inline reentrant lock calls
  • Add some more inlines to state update functions
  • Provide coroutine scope to plugin test dsl
  • Fixed flaky tests, add tests for while subscribed plugin
  • Internal cleanup of store code
  • Added toString to plugin test scope
  • Made store configuration a public class
  • Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10-beta02


17 Apr 23:45
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2.5.0-alpha08 Pre-release
  • Fixed saved state module for wasm and js targets not being able to persist the state. Browser targets do not support saving state to files, so the plugin will save the state to local storage instead.
  • Added LoggingSaver that logs save and restore operations to a StoreLogger
  • Added logging to default saved state plugin
  • Replaced old dsl for serializeState with one that takes a path directly to support non-file saving. Previous dsl is available on non-browser targets, but deprecated in favor of the simpler approach above
  • Added a default Json instance as an argument to the serializeState plugin so that clients can omit providing their own Json. The default instance is lenient to reduce number of failed restorations when the schema changes.
  • Cleanup of automatic naming logic for some plugins to avoid issues when code is obfuscated.
  • Default file name for state is now the serial name of the class being saved for serializeState
  • Added ability to select code in the sample app
  • Fixed sample app layout issues
  • Deployed wasm sample app to the website


16 Apr 17:48
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2.5.0-alpha07 Pre-release
  • Implemented a new multiplatform sample app for wasm and Android (upcoming desktop and iOS) to showcase main features, integration with decompose, DI setup and lifecycle setup.
  • Added a new "queue" property for Undo/Redo to observe changes to the queue


22 Mar 14:35
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2.5.0-alpha06 Pre-release
  • Fix essenty-compose depending on androidx libraries
  • Kotlin 1.9.23
  • Compose 1.5.10, jetbrains compose 1.6.1


19 Mar 10:13
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2.5.0-alpha05 Pre-release
  • Remember store lifecycle instances to prevent unnecessary recompositions where the value of the lifecycle changes.


17 Mar 20:13
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2.5.0-alpha04 Pre-release
  • Another attempt at fixing Android module aar publication
  • Fixed an issue where store would resubscribe on each state change due to SubscriberLifecycle not implementing hashcode/equals
  • Updated readme

Full Changelog: 2.5.0-alpha03...2.5.0-alpha04


10 Mar 14:50
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2.5.0-alpha03 Pre-release
  • Fixed android-* artifact publication. The previous version did not contain proper jars for those artifacts
  • Removed deprecated android-compose artifact. You can now just use compose
  • Merged android-view and android artifacts
  • Remove some unnecessary dependencies from compose artifact

Full Changelog: 2.5.0-alpha02...2.5.0-alpha03


09 Mar 17:13
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2.5.0-alpha02 Pre-release

New Features:

  • Remote Debugging! A new module family debugger-* allows to debug your stores remotely, with a dedicated app provided for Linux, MacOS, Windows. Also, the debugger app is implemented using FlowMVI and can be used as a sample app. Debugger setup explained in docs.
  • Essenty Integration! Two new modules: essenty and essenty-compose provide integration with Decompose and Essenty libraries. Essenty setup explained in docs
  • New Lifecycle Implementation for store subscription in Compose. The Compose module now provides an interface SubscriberLifecycle that has to be provided to the subscribe function to subscribe to the store. It also allows integration with Platform lifecycle (when it is made multiplatform) and Essenty lifecycle.
  • Refactoring of StoreLogging allowed to provide a more robust logging code on all supported platforms. You can now provide your own StoreLogger implementation or use the platform one as before.
  • Wasm support for core, test and compose modules! Also enables missing js support for compose module.
  • Compose 1.6.3
  • New flag atomicStateUpdates in store builders allows disabling serialization / atomicity of state updates if that is not needed, improving performance. true by default
  • Project Icon, banner, and star history
  • New overload of store.subscribe() that does not require a scope ( a with() call)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed file name for serializeState function using store name
  • Fix Saver s handling cancellation exceptions
  • Added a missing overload of timeTravel that would create and return the object for the user

Breaking Changes:

  • Compose's subscribe function now requires the consumer to pass a lifecycle to it as a parameter on all platforms where lifecycle is not supported to prevent the user from mistakenly subscribing to the store without using a proper lifecycle. Lifecycle implementations can be custom, provided via a composition local, or used from an integration module. To maintain a previous behavior on non-Android platforms, pass a DefaultLifecycle as a parameter to the subscribe function. Android users don't have this breaking change.
  • Store implementations now require a hashcode/equals contract
  • When store has actions disabled, it will now throw an UnrecoverableException to fail faster and avoid recover plugins
  • Deprecated parentStorePlugin in favor of a simple store.collect suspending function. It's much more flexible and allows to merge the incoming state with other data sources
  • Deprecated platformLoggingPlugin as a default loggingPlugin now uses a platform logger by default

What's Changed