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Laplace predicts BTCUSD ticker values.

Getting Started

Please install TensorFlow and scikit-learn(sklearn) in advance.

git clone [email protected]:resotto/laplace.git
cd laplace/btcusd
>>> import laplace as la
>>> input = la.make_input_data()

>>> type(input)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

>>> input.shape
(41, 4)

>>> predicted = la.predict(input)
>>> predicted                         # following values are examples
array([ 9191.143,  9191.745,  9191.728, 19837.059], dtype=float32)

>>> rising = la.predict_rising_from(input)
>>> rising                            # following values are examples
array([False, False, False, False])

>>> falling = la.predict_falling_from(input)
>>> falling                           # following values are examples
array([ True,  True,  True,  True])


  • Predicting BTCUSD ticker values
  • Predicting rising of BTCUSD ticker values with boolean
  • Predicting falling of BTCUSD ticker values with boolean

Loss & Accuracy

  • Final loss value:
Loss Value
MSE 9.807e-4
  • Final average of the last 10 accuracy(%):
bid ask last_price volume
85 85 80 50


  • Predicted values are 10 minutes after the last input data (adjustable).

  • Input data is the past 41 minutes ticker values (adjustable).

  • Input dimension and output dimension are 4 (adjustable).

  • Accuracy is calculated per 10 epochs (adjustable).

  • Forward hidden layer is tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell.

  • Backward hidden layer is tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell.

  • Entire hidden layer is tf.nn.static_bidirectional_rnn.

  • Optimizer is Adam.

  • Loss is calculated by MSE.

  • Model's parameters are saved to .model.

  • TensorBoard's logs are saved to .tensorboard/logs.


First, let's create input data.
You can change the URL of public ticker API in

L5: URL    = '' # Please change this url as you like

If you changed URL, you also need to fix those parts in

L7: HEADER = 'time,bid,ask,last_price,volume' # Csv header. After changing above url, you may need to fix this
L44: write(time, body)                        # After changing above url, you also need to fix this depending on ticker response

Now, you start fetching.
After running, input.csv will be created to current directory.


Second, please convert time units of the data in input.csv from seconds to minutes.
After runnning, input_min.csv will be created to current directory.
input_min.csv is input data for learning.


Third, before learning, you can adjust parameters in

MAXLEN           = 41                                     # Time series length of input data
INTERVAL         = 10                                     # Time interval between the last input value and answer value
N_IN             = 4                                      # Input dimension
N_HIDDEN         = 13                                     # Number of hidden layers
N_OUT            = 4                                      # Output dimension
LEARNING_RATE    = 0.0015                                 # Optimizer's learning rate
PATIENCE         = 10                                     # Max step of EarlyStopping
INPUT_VALUE_TYPE = ['bid', 'ask', 'last_price', 'volume'] # Input value type
EPOCHS           = 2500                                   # Epochs
BATCH_SIZE       = 50                                     # Batch size
TESTING_INTERVAL = 10                                     # Test interval

RANDOM_LEARNING_ENABLED = True                            # Index of data determined randomly or not
EARLY_STOPPING_ENABLED  = False                           # Early Stopping enabled or not

Finally, please start learning.


After learning model, you also can check TensorBoard.

tensorboard --logdir .tensorboard/logs/

When predicting, please follow Getting Started.



GNU General Public License v3.0.