We as developers like Chuck Norris jokes. Therefor we created the following assignment to test your Frontend skills/ knowledge.
Please create a git repo (can be local) before you start this assignment. When adding a commit please give a proper description to explain your choices.
It only has to run in chrome (so you can use es6). Please don't use any boilerplates. You can/may use any framework/lib you want.
When finished send a link or send your folder(zip with .git folder).
We want an Application where we can fetch 10 Random Chuck Norris jokes. These jokes can be fetched from the following API http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random/10.
When these jokes are fetched via a button they need to be displayed in a list. In this list we can mark certain jokes as favourite. The favourite jokes will appear in a favourites list with a max of 10 unique items. There should be an option to remove jokes from the favourite list as well.
On refresh the favourites lists should be stored so next time when i visit the app my favourites should be present.
We can also turn a timer on/off via a button (every 5 seconds). This will add one random joke to the favourites list http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random/1 until the list has 10 items.