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Modular TypeScript wallet adapters and components for NEO N3 applications.


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Modular TypeScript wallet adapters and components for NEO N3 applications.

๐Ÿ’พ Quick Setup (with React UI)

There is also ant-design package if you use this component framework.


Install these dependencies:

yarn add @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-wallets @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-base @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-react @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-react-ui @cityofzion/neon-js@next react


npm install @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-wallets @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-base @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-react @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-react-ui @cityofzion/neon-js@next react


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="[email protected]/lib/neo-wallet-adapter.web.js"></script>
    // ...
    // Global variable
    // Property in the window object
    // ...


import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
import { WalletProvider } from '@rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-react';
import { WalletAdapterNetwork } from '@rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-base';
import { getNeoLineWallet, getO3Wallet, getWalletConnect } from '@rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-wallets';
import {
} from '@rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-react-ui';

// Default styles that can be overridden by your app

export const Wallet = React.useMemo(() => {
	// @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-wallets includes all the adapters but supports tree shaking --
	// Only the wallets you configure here will be compiled into your application
	const wallets = useMemo(
		() => [
				options: {
					chains: ['neo3:testnet'], // ['neo3:mainnet', 'neo3:testnet', 'neo3:private']
					methods: ['invokeFunction'], // ['invokeFunction',any other method name present on the RpcServer eg. getversion]
					appMetadata: {
						name: 'Example',
						description: 'Example description',
						url: '',
						icons: [''],
				logger: 'debug',
				relayProvider: 'wss://',

	return (
		<WalletProvider wallets={wallets} autoConnect={true}>
				<WalletMultiButton />
				<WalletDisconnectButton />

You can pass in these optional display props to WalletModalProvider:

prop type default description
className string "" additional modal class name
logo ReactNode undefined your logo url or image element
featuredWallets number 3 initial number of wallets to display in the modal
container string "body" CSS selector for the container element to append the modal to

For example, to show your logo:

<WalletModalProvider logo="YOUR_LOGO_URL">...</WalletModalProvider>


import { waitTx, WitnessScope, WalletNotConnectedError } from '@rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-base';
import { useWallet } from '@rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-react';
import { u, sc, wallet } from '@cityofzion/neon-js';
import React, { useCallback } from 'react';

export const NeoSendButton = React.memo(function NeoSendButton() {
	const { address, connected, invoke } = useWallet();

	const onClick = useCallback(async () => {
		if (!address || !connected) throw new WalletNotConnectedError();

		// Construct the request and invoke it
		const result = await invoke({
			scriptHash: 'ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5',
			operation: 'transfer',
			args: [
					type: 'Hash160',
					value: sc.ContractParam.hash160(address).toJson().value,
					type: 'Hash160',
					value: sc.ContractParam.hash160('NaUjKgf5vMuFt7Ffgfffcpc41uH3adx1jq').toJson().value,
					type: 'Integer',
					value: sc.ContractParam.integer(1).toJson().value,
					type: 'Any',
					value: null,
			signers: [
					account: wallet.getScriptHashFromAddress(address),
					scope: WitnessScope.CalledByEntry,

		// Optional: Wait for the transaction to be confirmed onchain
		if ( {
			await waitTx('NETWORK_RPC_ADDRESS_HERE',;
	}, [address, connected, invoke]);

	return (
		<button onClick={onClick} disabled={!address || !connected}>
			{'Send 1 Neo!'}

๐ŸŽ Packages

This library is organized into small packages with few dependencies. To add it to your dApp, you only need the core packages and UI components for your chosen framework.


These packages are what most projects can use to support wallets on Neo N3.

package description npm
wallets All wallets with icons @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-wallets
base Adapter interfaces, error types, and common utilities @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-base
react Contexts and hooks for React dApps @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-react

UI Components

These packages provide components for common UI frameworks.

package description npm
ant-design Components for Ant Design @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-ant-design
react-ui Components for React (no UI framework, just CSS) @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-react-ui

Starter Projects

These packages provide projects that you can use to start building a dApp with built-in wallet support.

package description npm
nextjs-starter Next.js project using React @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-nextjs-starter
ant-design-starter Next.js project using React @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-ant-design-starter


These packages provide adapters for each wallet. The core wallets package already includes them, so you don't need to add these as dependencies.

package description npm
neoline Adapter for NeoLine @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-neoline
o3 Adapter for O3 @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-o3
walletconnect Adapter for WalletConnect @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-walletconnect
onegate Adapter for OneGate @rentfuse-labs/neo-wallet-adapter-onegate

โš™๏ธ Build from Source

  1. Clone the project:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
cd wallet-adapter
yarn install
  1. Build all packages:
yarn build
  1. Run locally:
cd packages/starter/react-ui-starter
yarn start

Development notes

Dev dependencies are equal to peer dependencies to be used while developing.

Bundles folder

Bundle folder inside packages one is used to create a bundled version of the library.

It must have a package.json with private:true property to avoid having it published by lerna.


Modular TypeScript wallet adapters and components for NEO N3 applications.








No packages published