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All the below enpoints (exception the auth one) should be requested with a authorisation header
Name | Content |
Authorization | "JWT " + comma token |
Available API Endpoints :
Other related files
This endpoint allows you to get a comma token in exchange for a google OAuth token
Key | Value |
access_token | The user google token obtained by the OAuth2 process |
"access_token": "fyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiosInR5cCI6IkpXVkJ9.eyJpZGVudGl0eSI6IiI0Yjk0MTYwYjNhZTMw9GMiLCJpYXQi3jE0NzA3Mzg4NjYsIm4iZiI6MTQ33DczODg2NiaaZXhwIjoxNTAyZZc0ODY2fQ.ah7EhuRXovIozwoyZwRDizM4eI12H0IdPAa6jfFv8UA"
Key | Value |
access_token | The user comma token |
This endpoint allow you to get global info about the user
"email": "[email protected]",
"id": "33c88d50b3ae308c",
"points": 1435,
"upload_video": true,
"username": "jdoe"
Key | Value |
The authorized user email (of his google account) | |
id | ????? |
points | The authorized user current number of comma point |
upload_video | ????? |
username | The authorized user username |
This endpoint allow you to get the user routes
"routes": {
"2016-07-25--09-53-03": {
"end_geocode": "Honkong",
"end_lat": 12.2452,
"end_lng": 2.03479,
"end_time": "2016-07-25T10:00:56",
"len": 3263.0,
"maxcamera": 7,
"maxlog": 7,
"movie": true,
"piececount": 7,
"proccamera": 7,
"proclog": 7,
"start_geocode": "Timbuktu",
"start_lat": 20.2362,
"start_lng": 11.06547,
"start_time": "2016-07-25T09:53:03",
"url": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/chffrprivate/comma-25b94166c3ae208c/ffa12232fedaa9eb8e512b51d7461f3e_2016-07-25--09-53-03"
"2016-07-25--10-08-07": {
"end_geocode": "Waga Waga",
"end_lat": 5.2452,
"end_lng": 22.03479,
"end_time": "2016-07-25T12:00:56",
"len": 3597.19,
"maxcamera": 6,
"maxlog": 6,
"movie": true,
"piececount": 6,
"proccamera": 6,
"proclog": 6,
"start_geocode": "Honolulu",
"start_lat": 2.2362,
"start_lng": 20.06547,
"start_time": "2016-07-25T10:08:07",
"url": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/chffrprivate/comma-25b94166c3ae208c/0bb18eb5e944350a4f52ce3fd4958669_2016-07-25--10-08-07"
"total": 13}
Key | Value |
routes | An array like object, indexed by date in the form of "YYYY-MM-DD--HH-mm-ss" with all the user routes (see below for structure) |
total | Total number of pieces (?????) |
Key | Value |
end_geocode | A guess at the town name for the last GPS point of the route |
end_lat | The latitude of the last GPS point of the route in decimal form (not in DMS) |
end_lng | The longiture of the last GPS point of the route in decimal form (not in DMS) |
end_time | The timecode of the last GPS point of the route |
len | The route length (in meter) |
maxcamera | ????? |
maxlog | ????? |
movie | ????? |
piececount | ????? |
proccamera | ????? |
proclog | ????? |
start_geocode | A guess at the town name for the first GPS point of the route |
start_lat | The latitude of the first GPS point of the route in decimal form (not in DMS) |
start_lng | The longiture of the first GPS point of the route in decimal form (not in DMS) |
start_time | The timecode of the first GPS point of the route |
url | The base url to get all other route related files (coordinate files and pictures) |
The route.coords file is available at : routeURL (see above) + "/route.coords"
It describe the whole drive
The response is an array of object representing an ordered collection of GPS datapoints
Key | Value |
lat | Datapoint latitude in decimal form (not in DMS) |
dist | total distance since the start of the drive (in miles) |
lng | Datapoint longitude in decimal form (not in DMS) |
speed | The speed at the momont of capture of the point (in meter/seconds) |
index | The datapoint index x 100 |
The route pictures are available at : routeURL (see above) + "/sec" + nb + ".jpg"
nb is comprised between 1 and the number of datapoint in the coord
Note that each picture is more or less 1 second appart ,leading to some time gap between a datapoint and the same index picture. Most of the time, the number of available picture is less than the number of datapoints (statistical evaluation of this statement pending ....)