RedisObject is a fast and simple-to-use object persistence layer for Ruby.
You'll need Redis. Other storage adapters are in the works. Maybe.
gem install redis_object
Or, you can add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'redis_object'
class Thing < RedisObject
def name
"#{first_name} #{last_name}"
def name=(new_name)
first, last = new_name.split(" ")
a = Thing.create("an_id") = "Testy Testerton"
b = Thing.create({:first_name => "Testy", :last_name => "Testerton"})
You can configure the storage adapter by sending a packet of commands to configure_store
RedisObject.configure_store({:db: 2})
The default storage adapter is Redis
. The above config will connect to Redis on localhost on the default port (6379), but will select
database number 2.
Or, you can configure multiple stores to use within an app by passing a second parameter to name the store (default is 'general')
RedisObject.configure_store({adapter: "Redis", :db: 4, :path: "/var/run/redis.sock"}, :message_queue)
class Message < RedisObject
use_store :message_queue
Object relationships are stored in collections of objects attached to other objects. To 'collect' an object onto another, you simply call reference
to reference the objects (also aliased to the concat operator <<
Collections are automatically created, and can be access by their plural, lower-case name to gather all of the items in a collection (returns an Enumerable Collection
object), or by its singular lower-case name to just get one somewhat randomly (useful for 1 -> 1 style relationships).
class Person < RedisObject; end
class Address < RedisObject; end
john = Person.create("john")
john << Address.create({
:street => "123 Main St.",
:city => "San Francisco",
:state => "CA",
:zip => "12345"
# ["Address:john"]
# {
# :address_id => "john",
# :street => "123 Main St.",
# :city => "San Francisco",
# :state => "CA",
# :zip => "12345",
# :class=>"Address",
# :key=>"Address:john",
# :created_at=>Wed, 12 Dec 2012 16:49:26 -0800,
# :updated_at=>Wed, 12 Dec 2012 16:49:26 -0800
# }
You may notice that the type of object, its basic storage key, and some timestamps are automatically created and updated appropriately.
It is important to note that collections inherit any indices of its underlying object type. See Indices below for examples.
A few types of data can be specified for certain fields. The types supported are:
- Date
- Number
- Float
- Bool
- Array
- JSON (store any data that can be JSON-encoded - it will be automatically encoded/decoded when stored/accessed)
These types are also used for scoring when keeping field indices. If no type is specified, String is used, and no scoring is possible at this time.
Setting the type of a field is super easy:
class Person < RedisObject
bool :verified
json :meta
john = Person.create("john")
john.meta = {:external_id => "123456", :number => 123}
john.verified # false
TODO: Add verified? and verified! -style methods automagically for boolean fields.
You can add your own custom types by defining filter methods for getting and setting a field, and can define a scoring function if you would like to index fields of your type.
class Person < RedisObject
def format_boolean(val)
def save_boolean(val)
val ? "true" : "false"
def score_boolean(val)
val ? 1 : 0
class << self
def bool(k)
field_formats[k] = :format_boolean
save_formats[k] = :save_boolean
score_formats[k] = :score_boolean
alias_method :boolean, :bool
TODO: Make defining custom formats easier - no need to define class methods for this - could have helper function for it like custom_format :bool, :get => :format_boolean
or similar.
Any field that can be scored can store a sidecar index by that score. These indices can be used to index items in a collection (internally, it is a simple Redis set intersection, so it is very fast). Timestamps are indexed by default for any object, so out of the box you can do:
Person.indexed(:created_at) # all Person objects, oldest first
Person.indexed(:created_at, 1, true) # newest Person (index_field, number of items, reverse sort?)
Person.latest # always available if timestamps are on - most recently created object of type
john.addresses.indexed(:created_at, 3, true) # john's 3 most recent addresses
Person.indexed(:updated_at, -1, true) do |person|
# iterate through Person objects in order of update times, most recent first
Accessing indexed items always returns an Enumerator, so first/last/each/count/etc. are usable anywhere and will access objects only when iterated.
TODO: Add some damn View documentation.
RedisObject Code: