Anim is a tiny and bare bones animation library weighing in at 7 KB
in plain code, 2.8 KB
when minified and 1.5 KB
when gzipped.
Why Anim? Because sometimes if you only want a little animation, you may not want to pull in a full fledged library like jQuery which is 90 KB
minified and 32 KB
Anim can animate any property that accepts number and color values including but not limited to backgroundColor, opacity, width, scrollTop, etc.
- Simple chaining syntax
- 3 easing functions
- shorthand syntax
anim("div1", {opacity: 0.6}, 2)
anim(node, properties, duration, ease*)
or anim(delay)
or anim(callbackFunction)
- node: the node to animate, or the node's ID
- properties: a map of CSS properties to animate (see below)
- duration: time in seconds to run animation. e.g., 3.5 is 3.5 seconds
- ease (optional): easing function name. Choose from "ease-in", "ease" (means: ease-in-out), "lin" (means: linear), and undefined means "ease-out". The individual easing properties will override this.
- delay how long to wait before starting the next animation
- callbackFunction function to call after animation finished
The properties
object takes the form of:
{cssName: endValue}
or {cssName: {to:endValue, fr:startValue*, e:easingFunction*, u:units*}}
- cssName: the css property to animate; written in camelCase (margin-left --> marginLeft)
- to: the end value of the CSS property. Can be number or string with optional units. e.g., 100, "100px", "50%", "3em"
- fr (optional): the starting value of the CSS property. If not supplied, it is read from the node
- e (optional): easing function name. (see above)
- u (optional): unit of measurement. e.g., px, %, pt
This function returns an object with one method ("anim"), which allows you to start another animation after the first one is done. If that second function is called with one parameter, it is assumed to be a callback function and is called after the last animation is done.
anim(box, {opacity: {to: 0.2, fr: 1}}, 2); //long form specifying 'to' and 'from'
anim(box, {opacity: 0.2}, 2);
anim(box, {height: 300}, 2, "ease-in");
anim(box, {height: "14em", width: "14em"}, 2);
anim(box, {marginLeft: "2%", fontSize: "20px"}, 2, "ease-out");
anim(document.body, {scrollTop: 500}, 5, "lin");
run 2 animations one after the other
anim(box, {height:300}, 2)
.anim(box, {width:300}, 2)
.anim(function() { alert("all done") });
run 2 animations with a 1 second delay in between
anim(box, {height:300}, 2)
.anim(box, {width:300}, 2);
Supports IE6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome, iOS, Android
If requestAnimationFrame
is available it is used, which provides the highest frame rate and throttling if the CPU is busy or if another tab is focused.