This tool installs a simple sudo script to your /system/xbin/.
More information:
Download the latest version from the Google Play Store
Google Play not for you? Download the latest APK from DRGdl
Don't want the latest version? View all versions on DRGdl Browser
The current latest version supports Android 4.0+. If you need to use this on Android 2.x, you can download version 2.1.0 from DRGdl which was the last version to support Android 2.2+.
I work on this project in the Eclipse ADT IDE. Import it there. It used to require appcompat-v7, but as of this commit this requirement was removed because it no longer supports Android 2.x.
It may also have universal bugs (with all devices and versions), or bugs with specific devices. If you find a bug, and you have the know-how, fork the project, fix it, then send me a pull request and I will look into fixing it. If you do not have development skills, please use the Issue Tracker to report it and I will look into fixing it. Make sure to mention your device, Android version, ROM (or OEM 'skin') and app version. Thank you! :)
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