This is the Antora playbook project (site build) for the Redpanda docs site published at
The playbook, antora-playbook.yml
configures the production build for the docs site.
This playbook tells Antora what documentation to assemble, where to find it, and what UI to apply to it.
The documentation is hosted in a separate Git repository, as is the UI project, and the custom extensions.
The production site is built for each change to the main
A deploy preview of the site is also published for each pull request.
For an introduction to Antora and helpful tips for getting started with local development, see the Contributing guide. |
The playbook pulls content from branches in the repository.
Redpanda documentation is stored in versioned branches prefixed with v/
For more details, see the README.
The OpenAPI spec files are stored in the api/modules/ROOT/attachments/
directory of the api
The API component hosts all OpenAPI docs at the root of the site under the /api
The Asciidoc pages reference these attachments in the page-api-spec-url
attribute. The swagger
UI layout uses this attribute to render the OpenAPI docs using Redoc.
The site-wide search page is hosted in the site-search
branch and is configured as a dedicated component called search
so that we can host it at the root of the site under the /search
Search is powered by an Algolia search index. The index is generated on each build of the production site using the Algolia indexer extension.
The shared
branch contains content that is intended to be shared across all component versions.
The attributes in the ROOT/partials/attributes.yaml
file are merged into the antora.yml
file of each component version by the global attributes extension. These global attributes are required for all local builds as well as the production build.
The pages in the terms/partials/
directory are terms that can be referenced in any component version using the glossterm
macro. The content of these term page is also added automatically to reference:glossary.adoc
pages by the aggregate terms extension.
The Redpanda docs site includes custom extensions and macros to enhance the site and provide custom features.
For details about all the extensions and macros, see
The docs site is hosted on Netlify.
The Netlify build is configured in the netlify.toml
file. The redirects in this file redirect users from the previous Docusaurus URLs to the new Antora ones.
When you delete, rename, or move an existing page, use the page-aliases attribute. Do not use the netlify.toml file. The redirects in this file must be bulk URL redirects, such as removing or renaming a component or component version.
For details about this file, see the Netlify documentation.
To learn how to use the playbook and generate the docs site locally, see our contributing guide.