olx flats for rent advertisments scraper. For educational purposes only
git clone https://github.com/redorb/olx-scraper
cd olx-scraper
python -m venv venv
.\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # on windows
source venv/bin/activate # on linux
pip install -r requirements.txt
alternatively you can type:
pip install lxml requests pandas rich beautifulsoup4 Flask
run cli app and wait for execution
python olx_offers.py <olx-url>
# example
python olx_offers.py "https://www.olx.pl/d/nieruchomosci/mieszkania/wynajem/sosnowiec/?search%5Bfilter_enum_rooms%5D%5B0%5D=one"
run flask app (1st way)
# https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/cli/
# Unix Bash
export FLASK_APP=hello
flask run
# Windows CMD:
set FLASK_APP=app
flask run
# Windows PowerShell:
$env:FLASK_APP = "app"
flask run
if errors occurs
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using(...) python.exe
# upgrade pip
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37220055/pip-fatal-error-in-launcher-unable-to-create-process-using
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
open link in browser
run flask app (2nd way)
python app.py
# wait one second for app to open in browser
- dont ask me why OpenStreetMaps files are static. I have no idea
- don't ask me why style refers to style.css from static/theme/default. Have no idea too
- why cli script requests each url one by one? because it was easier to develop. It could be fixed using asyncio or threading
- can you feed olx url from browser, not from commandline? if any develop will be made I will do it
- why there are many advertisments and only few markers on the map? because many advertisments have default location, which results of drawing them in the same point. I could think of change it to draw markers in slightly different location in such cases
- versions 0.1.1 and above provide errors handling, keyboard interrupt and requests caching
- could think of scraping also advertisment upload date and then make some sort of filter from browser view