Parse WordPress edit-context content to PHP objects easily.
composer require recoded-dev/wordpress-block-parser
use Recoded\WordPressBlockParser\BlockParser;
use Recoded\WordPressBlockParser\Blocks\Block;
use Recoded\WordPressBlockParser\BlockReplacer;
$content = <<<HTML
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
$parser = BlockParser::create($content);
$replacer = BlockReplacer::create($content);
foreach ($parser as $block) {
// $block->namespace
// $block->name
// $block->attributes
if ($block instanceof Block) {
// $block->content
$replacer->replace($block, 'Your replaced content');
echo (string) $replacer; // Your replaced content
Everyone is welcome to contribute. Feel free to PR your work once you think it's ready. Or open a draft-PR if you want to get some opinions or further help.
I would like to keep this package relatively small and want to avoid bloat. The package should remain extensible and unopinionated.